Raymond himself froze in astonishment.

'You fool? With the saving grace as your enemy?'

He snarled.

But the griffin stuck out its tongue and licked Raymond's head.

[All is well! Thank you! Thank you! You are my benefactor, man of enchantment!]

It wasn't attempting to harm him; rather, it sought to express gratitude!

Raymond took a hesitant step backward.

While being appreciated was nice, the saliva was unclean.

'Nevertheless, good, I've cured you; now, let's head to the shuttle as agreed...!'

Raymond began to command, "Be my shuttle!" but halted abruptly.

'Wait. Isn't this better than that?'

The skill he acquired was dubbed "Cat's Allure," implying the need to charm rather than coerce.

Concluding his deliberations, Raymond tenderly stroked the griffin's fur.

He asked sincerely.

"Are you feeling completely well now?"

[Yes! All better!]

"I'm glad you're better, too. Be careful in the future, and live a long and healthy life, for that is the way to repay me."

With a handsome countenance, saintly demeanor, and warm voice, Raymond's trifecta of attributes resonated deeply with the unsuspecting griffin.

The griffin opened its mouth in awe, unable to speak.

[The opponent feels your sincerity and falls into a state of perfect emotion, you have completely stolen the opponent's heart!]

[Skill, 'Cat's Allure' has succeeded!]

[In the future, the opposing demonic beast will owe you absolute favors!]

As if on cue, the griffin purred.

[Man, humans have always tried to kill me or use me, but to think that there are such good humans in the world... I, the Great Griffin, will give my heart to you from now on!]


Raymond clenched his fist, and the griffin let out a satisfied cry.

And just like that, Raymond had a valuable shuttle.


Following the successful removal of the foreign object, the griffin made a remarkable recovery.

"Do you think you could transport us, Griffin?"

[Of course! I'll do anything you ask, except fight, kind human!]

A pacifist griffin; truly a marvel to witness.

[But first, grant me a name.]


[You are my rider. You must give me a name.]

A rider shares an emotional bond with their griffin.

'A name. What should I choose?'

Not being good at naming things, he thought for a moment, then came up with something appropriate.

"Shuttlefin. I'll name you Shuttlefin."

The name blended "shuttle" and "griffin," prompting a satisfied cry from the griffin.

[Oooh! It sounds dignified.]

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