She shakes her head. I gasps joking.

C: What? No breakfast?

She shakes her head again and I start to tickle her, which makes her laugh. She tries to stop me but I continue it. Until Grace points behind me.

G: Mommy, da!

I look up to Elisabeth. She rubs her hair with a towel dry, while I walk over to her to give her a kiss.

C: Did you enjoy your shower, princess?

G: Yes, thanks for taking care of her.

C: Sure. She's my daughter.

She strokes over Grace cheek. She's still on my arm and has her head lying on my shoulder. I missed them so much. We make our way downstairs to the kitchen.

C: I wanna take Grace to my mom later. Wanna join us?

E: Sounds good. Haven't seen her in a while. I'm sure Grace loves to see her again.

I hear Elisabeth sigh as we see Lisa and Chris waiting for us in the hallway. Chris neck bows and Lisa curtsy as they see us.

Chris: Your highness, the king wants to meet you.

C: Okay, we'll go over later.

I walk past him with Grace straight to the kitchen, followed by him but also Elisabeth and Lisa. So I stop infront of it.

Chris: He awaits you now.

C: I came back earlier than expected to be with my family. Grace needs breakfast. We will go after that. You should also take a break, Chris.

I turn to him being strict. I see Elisabeth standing behind Chris who gives me a little smile.

Chris: I'm here to work for you. The king wants to see you now.

I turn to Elisabeth to hand Grace over.

E: Come here Gracie, we're gonna get some fruits for you.

I wait for Elisabeth and Grace to be in the kitchen before I raise my voice.

C: If I tell you, we're not coming now, I mean it. We won't go now, Chris.

Chris: The wish of the king is always priority, Charles.

C: No, my family is the priority.

I look at him and go into the kitchen.


Lisa follows me into the kitchen as I already hear Charles and Chris arguing. I try to ignore it and be happy infront of Grace. I put her into a high chair.

Lisa: You know, the king won't be amused if you won't go now.

E: Enough now.

I hit my hand on the table and turn to Lisa.

E: My baby hasn't eat anything yet. We will start the day with a breakfast. I don't even understand what's so important now. Leave it. All of you.

I watch how Chris and Charles walk in after they heard me losing control.

E: Tell my dad, we'll be there in 30min. No discussion.

Chris neck bows and leave with Lisa. I sigh and close my eyes for a second. In that moment Charles stands already infront of me.

C: You're still the royal of us.

He moves my hair out of my face with a soft smile on his lips. I lean into his hand. They try to make Charles like my Dad and Simon and I hate to see it. Chris was Simon's personal assistance before. His Dad is my dad's assistant. Chris has been in our family basically his whole life. He dedicated his life for our family. They want Charles to become one of them.

E: Chris is annoying me. He has to listen to your decisions.

C: He just follows the royal protocol strictly. He tries to teach me.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead before he takes the plate with the prepared food for Grace to give it to her. She's sitting in her high chair not caring about the arguing. I think she just tries to be a happy baby at the moment. Normally she hates this kind of scenarios.

E: I know. But we're not really following the protocol at the moment.

C: He's still Grays son and Simon's assistant before. We've talked about it.

E: Yeah, and I'm still curious why he's not Simon's anymore.

C: Probably because he was as much annoyed than we are.

He laughs. We enjoy the family breakfast together before we're going to find out what my dad has to tell us.


What is Dad going to do? What's so important? 🫣

PRINCESS Season 2 [Charles Leclerc]Where stories live. Discover now