Drawing a line

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Zihan hugged her. She was definitely not ready for that. She could feel his flat, well-built chest and his breathing over her neck. She who was panicked didn't return the hug. Instead, she stayed still in his embrace with wide opened eyes.

"Thank you, Lian,"

She heard him wisper. She felt butterflies 🦋🦋 in her stomach at that moment. Her face was hot with the closeness. Short later, he broke the hug. He looked at her. Their eyes met, but Lian couldn't read what's in his mind.

Next, he led her to the nearest sofa, and they sat there side by side.

"I think I made a huge mistake."

He began with a start. The night was silent , and his clear, deep voice gave her chills.

"I thought I deserved a better life, and I ran after it."

"Is he confessing right now?" She thought to herself.

"I failed twice." He said in a broken tone.

She couldn't believe he was telling this while he was still in a relationship.

"The first one just wanted to show off,the second wanted my money and fame for her own success. I have trust issues now."

But what Lian remembered was him treating her with a playful smile and being coy around her.

"Men!" She muttered inside.

"I wanted some warmth and a feeling of longing,but all I got was cold shoulder or back stabbing. I really wanna make things right."

Then he looked at her. Lian looked back at him with confusion

"I am not that late, right?"

His question made her speechless. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know whether he meant it. She doubted it might not be the same thing as she thinks. Even if it's the same thing, she doubted she might not be able to return the favour.

He was still waiting for her answer, and she needed to provide one ,as she promised to talk with him.

"Yeah, you are not late. You can find the right one for you. I wish you could meet her soon."

She conveyed him that she wasn't available for him.

Her words hurt his feelings. She could see that in his defeated face,but she was in no place to pamper him. He should have reaped what he saw.

She was willing to give him in earliar,but not when he failed in his life.

He mocked his own stupidity with a chuckle.

"I know,I am being selfish, but I couldn't help. "

He took her words right out his mouth.

"At least you should put an end to things properly. Then you will be at peace. The next step.... "

She paused for a second.

"The next step, you should take it thoughtfully so that you don't have to regret later."

Her words hit him like sharp knives. That was not her intention, but she couldn't help yhis time.

"Maybe he was right. I must have been angry with him all these years."

She needed to say something to sooth his heart,but they turned out to be daggers.

" Let the time decide everything."

She said to him at last.

Then the silence for long seconds.

"Mr. Zihan. I think I should go."

She said to him a little later. This time, he didn't stop her.

She stood up to go, and he trailed after her.

"I will walk you," He said. She wanted to refuse it,but she didn't want to hurt him anymore. So they walked towards her room in silence.

"Have a tight sleep," He said to her at the door.

Lian nodded her head ,awkwardly making eye contacts with him.

"You too" She said.

Zihan forced a smile ,though he was feeling miserable deep down.

Then she closed the door. He waited there few more seconds and left the place.

Maybe he was actually late.


What type of a plot twist will happen next?

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