The touch

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Timing  they were calling applications for the new emoyees,and that was Lian's chance.She grabbed it without any hesitation.

Zihan had completed his master's degree in mechanical engineering, and his firm was about electronic gadgets and equipments. Lian, who was a degree holder in accounts, was there to find a place for her at the accounts section.

All the applicants were interviewed by a board of directors, and thankfully, she got selected as a full-time apprentice in Han Electronics.

So she had to undergo a probation period, yet she knew she can make it. Almost after a month, they were called for a meeting by the mighty CEO Zihan. Lian was waiting for that moment to happen to see his reaction. The apprentices sat around the table waiting for his arrival.

He arrived at the meeting room, being a little delayed,but no one said a word.He was the boss. There were around ten of them, including Lian herself.

All of them formally greeted him. Then he sat on his chair. Next, he gave an
observant look trailing along the hopeful faces. Suddenly, his eyes stopped at her. She smiled at him. He had to clear his throat to come out from the sudden panic. But later, everything settled. He glanced through their resumes. Specially hers.

Next, he  formally addressed them all and explained what he expect from them. Within like twenty minutes, the meeting ended, and everyone was dismissed back to their seats.

She remembered his gaze. It was first filled with surprise next a kind of embarrassment. Well, she never expected him to talk to her anyway. She just needed a living.

Since the day she ever set foot in here, she had heard a lot about Zihan. He was currently dating a budding celebrity and was on good terms. Lian wasn't swayed
cause she was not here to steal him in the first place.

Within a week or so, she had to meet Mr Zihan in his office for an official matter, and he was surely not ready for that. For he felt a little guilty for not talking to her. Though they were not friends,  they knew each other from their childhood days.

It took some time for him to compose himself. But Lian brought the official matters, so that she can ease the surrounding. She was standing, he was kind enough to ask her to take a seat. She did obey him. And then after resolving the thing and signing the papers ,he himself brought the topic to have a small talk.

"I heard your dad passed away."

She nodded her head. Zihan learnt that when his parents were having a little conversation with each other with a relief of not being relations with Li family.

"Thank god that happened that way. Our son has a greater future ahead."

They thought Zihan made the right call rejecting her.

Anyhow he didn't know that Lian's mother also had passed away. She never bring that either.

"So do you live here in Beijing?"

He raised another question.

"Yes, I do"

She briefly answered. He had no other questions to inquire, and she also had nothing to say. So she took her leave.

Almost a year passed without a note. Her probation period came to an end and she became a full time employee at Han Electronics. Lian's days at the office passed without a hustle, she made friends and had a great time there.

Her friends called her Lily which became her official name there. She was originally Li Lian and later became Lily. With the time no one remembered her real name except for one.

At one night she was working overtime at her desk. All her colleagues had left ,she was the only one in the accounts sections. It was getting late yet she was in no hurry to go.

Normally she wouldn't over work, but this fateful day her friend who was residing next to her apartment had told her in advance that,she would pick her up from work ,so that they could go together.

Lian knew her friend was asking for a favour, as she didn't want to go home all alone during the night.

Anyway that had happened for good,as Lian could notice some mismatched numbers in the year report.

She was surprised how the things slipped from their eyes, when they were focusing on 000s and 1111s all day long.

Zihan who was leaving his office room, halted in the midway seeing a light in the accounts section. He advanced there taking quick steps in curious.

She was emerced in the numbers didn't hear his foot steps.

"What are you doing?"

She snapped out with a jump start which wasn't go unnoticed by him.

When she explained what had happened, he too dragged a seat and sat beside her. In agitation he grabbed the mouse which her hand was already on. That brought her goosebumps, and made her look at him in bewilderment.

"Why my heart tingled?"

She inquired her wavering innerself .


This is going to be a different story, so buckle up. 😉 😜

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