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It was her day off, so she went back to her apartment. In bed, she recalled the things that happened that day and his offer.In many ways, she knew it's beneficial for her to work under him.

1. She can gang up with her old colleges
2. The bus fare and the expenses are less
3. The job is permanent.

So she took the offer. She called his office phone and let him know that she is taking it. Of course, he was pleased to hear that.

As promised,Zihan informed the matter to his friend in advance, and the transfer happened without a fuss.
Lian was happy to be back at Han Electronics.

After a short break of a month or so, a rumour of him, the CEO, dating a budding singer, started to revolve around everyone's ears.

Soon, it became official. Of course, their CEO was a handsome man, and every single woman dreamt of him. Lian had already learnt her lesson a long time ago, so she didn't comment on that matter.

Her colleagues even bet how long will it last. But that wasn't something Lian was interested in.

The budding singer was another beauty with a flawless figure. She sure matched him.

But later, in the first half of the year, the Han industries were granted a huge project by the government itself,so there was no room for chit chatting and slacking off. It took almost three months ,yet rewarding all their efforts, they could complete the project before the deadline.

CEO Zihan was indeed happy about the efficiency of his crew. He had selected a special team consisting of selected fifteen employees beside the director board and higher-ups. Lian was one of them. When it comes to work, he trusted her a lot.

It was late at night when the final touchups were done. There was actually a heavy workload from printing materials to the actual thing. So Zihan had arranged a company vehicle for the employees.

There were five of them who were heading Chinyu, which is actually where Mr. Zihan's residence is also located. So he himself volunteered to drive them.

His driver took the other employees in a van.

When Mr. Zihan himself offered them a ride, all the girls except Lian wriggled like warms. Of course, she was going that way, too. The other girls get on the back seat, bumping into each other. Only Lian was left, and there was no room for her on the back seat. So her friends forced her to take the front seat.

She wanted to squeeze in the back seat, but there were already four, so she left no other choice but to sit there with a beating heart. Mr. Zihan was already waiting she didn't want to piss him off .

Throughout the ride, she heard her friends murmering things to themselves and laugh. She wished to be among them.Soon one by one got off and only she was left in the car. She didn't like the uneasiness building up.

"You reside beyond Chinyu, right?"

Suddenly, a question raised from him breaking the trail of her thoughts.

That reminded her Zihan lives in Chinyu.

"Mr. Zihan, drop me at Chinyu. I will take a bus from there."

He chuckled for what she said.

"How in the world did you think I will drop you there at this hour all alone? What do you take me for?"

He annoyingly said.

So he was driving her there to her apartment.

"Where do you live?" He asked next.

"Em......"Future " Udong."

She managed to say .

"Hm...." He said satisfied with her answer.

She didn't dare to look at him. Seating beside him at front itself made her feel guilty.

When the atmosphere was like this, a bike rider overtake them from a tiny bit of a gap from left without even signalling them at a bend , making Zihan slam the brakes, resulting the car drove to the side lane. The car stopped with the harsh brake, making Lian's head hit hard on shutters of her side.



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