Chapter 16.2

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I clutched my side, blood running in rivulets between my fingers as I hobbled down the tool aisle, a Silencer stalking close behind, enjoying my distress, stopping to lap at a particularly large drop of my vital fluids on the ground. I grabbed at tools and pulled them from racks, tossing them behind me, to no avail. The creature side stepped them easily, alternating between hissing and purring.

I tripped, and I heard the purring grow louder, the creature pleased with my misstep. I closed my eyes and pressed my face into the floor, waiting for the pain that would inevitably come. What would it feel like, having my skull drilled into? My memories raced to that first girl's eyes, rolling into the back of her head so deeply that I could see her optic nerve, the foaming blood that erupted from her mouth. No. I wouldn't.

I reached for my ankle, drew the tiny Derringer I kept there, and raised it tremblingly. I could not decide if I should use it on the Silencer, or myself. I felt a soft step on the back of my calf and felt the vibration of the Silencer's purring on my skin, such a gentle sound to be warning me of such incredible agony. I attempted to roll over, only to be met by a fresh wave of searing, burning pain as it extended its claws and pierced into my leg muscles.

"Not so fast, little one," it rasped, the forked tongue flicking out to taste the air. My heart pounded in my chest. They could speak? "We want you alive."

Images leapt to my mind again, families cowering in fear as their loved ones taunted them and lured them to their deaths. I lunged backward with all my remaining strength, driving my elbow into its snout and flipping onto my back. The thing rocked back on its haunches, growling deeply as violet blood spattered on my visor, but it didn't slow down. Its leathery skin was tougher than even the thickest Kevlar.

I could hear the pop pop pop of gunfire from outside, the familiar sound of Bravo and Charlie fighting their way to us. But they couldn't get through the horde fast enough. "Hold your ground," Finn ordered over the coms, just as a hail of bullets sounded. The screeches turned to yelps of pain that faded swiftly under his assault.

More hisses and screeches erupted around me as the Turned closed in, drawn by the scent of fresh meat and fear. The Silencer returned his gaze to mine and licked its lips slowly, baring its teeth in a predatory smile.

I pressed the barrel to my temple.

A gout of heat and light blinded me, and I covered my face. "NOT TODAY MOTHER FUCKER!" Kendall shouted as he threw fire down the aisle. The Silencer squealed, darting away between the shelves into the next aisle, deliberately kicking off as hard as it could. I screamed as its claws ripped into my legs as it dashed across me.

Kendall released the trigger, and I heard the canister give a burst of air, and one last flare of heat leapt from the tip of the nozzle before sputtering out. He held out a hand to me. He paused as he noticed the Derringer in my hand.

"Bro, no!" He knelt down. "You put that fucking LR away. No Last Resorts today! Don't you fucking dare!"

I had been a bad influence on the kid, his mouth was almost worse than mine.

I reached up and grabbed his hand, wincing as he stood and pulled me to my feet.

A loud bang erupted from somewhere else in the store, followed by the roar of Reavers in pain. I checked myself over. My side had been lacerated, a glancing blow from a Prowler during our mad dash into the store. Looking at it made me woozy, something that hadn't happened in years. My leg was shredded, I couldn't put any weight on it.

"C'mere," Kendall said, and put my arm around his shoulders. I stepped gingerly and winced hard as my leg cried out in protest, but I pushed through it. Together, we limped to the end of the aisle.

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