Chapter 10.1 - Tipping the Scales

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My back pressed against the rough, cool wall, shadows from the evening's fading light enveloping me. Exhaustion weighed heavily on my body, the aftermath of the intense battle still coursing through my veins. I'd barely been able to pull my clothes back in. Wouldn't do to be found naked on the field. The sound of approaching footsteps snapped me out of my daze.

Two guards from our settlement, Nolan and Sarah, came into view, their faces etched with concern as they hurried over to me. Without hesitation, Nolan reached out his hand towards me, his voice trembling with worry. "Alec, you had us scared. Disappearing in the middle of all that chaos..." His words trailed off into a worried mumble.

Sarah hung back slightly, her gaze piercing and suspicious. "And not a single scratch on you," she noted, her tone sharp with disbelief. "That can't just be luck." Her eyes settled on the blue blood on the sleeve of my shirt, but she didn't comment on it.

Pushing myself off the wall, I could feel the weight of their stares on me. "I ran out of ammo and had to play dead until I could crawl to safety while no one was looking," I lied through gritted teeth, my voice hoarse from exhaustion. I hoped they would believe this half-truth and leave it at that. Nolan nodded in understanding, "Smart move." But Sarah just snorted, clearly unconvinced, and offered her hand to help me up. "Jesus Christ, you're dense," Nolan joked as they struggled to pull me to a standing position. Limping between them, I dragged my feet as they guided me towards the gates.

As we walked through the quiet streets toward my home, Sarah brought up the rumors that had started circulating about a mysterious entity appearing on the battlefield during the raiders' attack. "They're saying it was like a monster... Unlike any Turned we've seen before," she said cautiously. "And that it turned the tide against the raiders."

"More like ripped those bastards apart!" Nolan exclaimed with a hint of excitement. "I'm telling you, Sarah, I saw it! Only for a second, but it was incredible!"

An uncomfortable knot formed in my stomach at their words. They were unknowingly talking about me, the lines between protector and monster blurring in my mind. I stayed quiet, lost in my own thoughts as we made our way back to the settlement.

The settlement, still standing strong despite the morning's devastating attack, showed subtle signs of the ordeal. People bustled through the streets, their faces set in defiance. "Still standing, you thieving bastards," I muttered under my breath, my eyes scanning the familiar buildings for any damage.

As Nolan and Sarah guided me through the bustling settlement, my gaze fell upon the raider leader being escorted away by the guards. Nolan, a look of awe and incredulity on his face, nodded towards him. "There he goes, the guy who stood up to that monster on the battlefield. Almost beat it, they say. That's something, isn't it?"

Sarah, supporting me on my other side, glanced at the raider leader with a practical eye. "It's something alright," she said in a pragmatic tone. "But now we have to decide what to do with him. Some are calling for a trial, others want immediate punishment."

I listened silently, my body exhausted and wracked with pain. My mind was in turmoil, the memory of my transformation still fresh and unsettling. They don't know it was me, I thought bitterly, feeling burdened by the weight of my dual identity. Couldn't know it was me. Certainly wouldn't appreciate the fact. Couldn't tell them I'd let the dude live for a reason.

Echo's soothing voice echoed in my head. "Alec, they are seeking justice in their own way. Remember, your actions have consequences, even those unseen."

Gathering what little strength I had left, I managed a hoarse whisper. "A trial... might be a good way to bring some order. To show that we're not just reacting out of fear or anger." Despite my weak state, my words carried conviction.

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