Chapter 10.2

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As Sarah and I navigated through the throngs of people, the intensity of their gazes upon us was palpable. The emotions of the community were raw and unfiltered, laid bare for all to see.

When we finally reached the front, my heart raced as I broke through the crowd. Murmurs quieted, and all eyes shifted towards us. The leader of the raiders met my gaze as I walked by him, a spark of recognition - or perhaps defiance - flickering in his intense stare.

Sarah broke away from me and found a spot near the front, while I made my way to sit at the table with the other key townspeople.

Mayor Jim Haskins stood, his presence radiating a sense of calm over the agitated assembly. "Alec, glad you could join us. With your arrival, we now have all essential members to decide this raider's fate," he announced.

A mix of fear, anger, and a thirst for justice thickened the air. Jim surveyed the crowd, each face telling a story of loss and endurance. "This individual," he gestured towards the bound raider, "has unleashed violence upon us, inflicting deep scars within our community."

The room erupted with voices, a chaotic rejoinder of pain and rage. Calls for justice collided with demands for immediate retribution. "He deserves a fair trial!" one voice boomed confidently. "No, he must face punishment now!" another countered vehemently, bitterness lacing their words.

Jim's piercing gaze fell upon the captive raider, his voice devoid of any warmth as he addressed him. "What is your name?" he demanded sharply.

The raider met Jim's stare with a sneer, unfazed by the intensity in his eyes. "Name's Chastity," he spat out, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "And I'm just the sweetest peach this side of the Mississippi." His words were met with a wave of jeers and scoffs from the crowd.

Tom Bennett, our head of security and a former police officer, leaned forward, his voice a menacing rumble. "Keep making jokes and we might just have to cut out your tongue," he threatened, his words laced with a dangerous edge. "No point in a trial at all if you can't speak to defend yourself." The harshness of his words was echoed by the furious reactions of the audience.

The raider faltered under the intense pressure, his facade crumbling. "David," he finally admitted, his previous bravado replaced by defeat. I couldn't blame him. That was one hell of a threat, and Tom was enough of a bastard to do it.

An instant uproar erupted – boos, hisses, and cries of fury filled the space, directed towards David. "Fuck you, David! Wish you'd been torn apart by that monster!" someone shouted from the crowd.

Jim raised his hands, trying to calm the chaotic scene. "Our goal is justice, not mob rule," he reminded them sternly, barely audible over the clamor.

Marlene, a former teacher, and our head of humanitarian resources, stepped up with the first question. Her usual caring demeanor was now overshadowed by an underlying anger as she spoke: "Why did you attack us? What were you hoping to gain?"

David sneered back at her. "Survival," he spat out bitterly. "You think you're the only ones struggling to make it? We do what's necessary." His response only fueled further anger among the crowd.

After the shouting died down, Bill, a mechanic with calloused hands from years of hard labor, stepped forward. His gaze never wavered as he asked David: "Where are you from? How many more of your kind are out there?"

David sneered again, the corners of his lips curling with malice. His voice was smooth and cold as he spoke, dripping with disdain and a sense of superiority. "More of us than you'd like to believe," he taunted, his words laced with a dangerous edge. The group gathered in the mess hall shifted uncomfortably at his ominous tone.

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