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After the wedding ceremony.. everyone grether and wish the newly wedded couple one by one.. everyone was happy for them but not one person and that is Lisa..
She is sitting on a table and drink bear nonstop while watching the couple smiling with each other...
Rosé comes towards Lisa after seeing her this condition..

Rosé comes towards Lisa after seeing her this condition

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Rosé:-oh god!! what you did with yourself??do you know from how long i am searching you

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Rosé:-oh god!! what you did with yourself??do you know from how long i am searching you.. leave it.. let's are drunk..*holds her wrist*

Lisa:-*jerk her hand*leave me..why you came here??huh?? go and celebrate your brother in law's wedding..

She said this while shouting at Rose.. because of her sudden shout.. everyone looked at her who is passing them..she didn't shout that high to attract everyone's attention... Rose nervously smiled at the guests and holds Lisa's wrist tightly and pulled her with her...


After greating everyone we both set on the near by chair.. Apu, Jimin & Taehyung, Shibu comes towards us and congratulate us..

 Apu, Jimin & Taehyung, Shibu comes towards us and congratulate us

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Shibu's dress👇👇

Shibu's dress👇👇

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