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*Next morning*

*Next morning*

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Author POV

Rosé and her husband sung woo was sleeping peacefully on their hotel room but suddenly sung woo's sleep ruined after hearing someone knocking on the door countilessly while shouting his wife, Rose's name...

Sung woo:-Rose wake up.. someone is calling you go and check...

Rosé:-let them..i am sleepy..

Sung woo:-wake up..seems like Lisa us calling you..go and check.. maybe it's urgent...

Rosé:-no i won't go..

??:-Rose??are you there?? Rose??

Sung woo:-see she is calling you..wake up....

Rose tiredly got up and goes towards the door for opening it..she opened the door and saw that lisa was standing there with a tensed face.. Rose sleep fly away seeing her like this...

She holds Lisa's wrist and lock the door and take her away from her room...

Rosé:-what happened with you??

Lisa:-Rose..po.. police..


Lisa:-i saw them coming here from my window and run hurriedly for telling you..

Rosé:-relax nothing will happen.. btw you hide the body right??


Rosé:-oh.. okay.. wait what?? I texted you and told you to hide it and even i told you how to do that..then why didn't you did anything??

Lisa:-because i was scared and you didn't come too..

Rosé:-you stupid girl...i told you that my husband is needy and i have to stay with him.. didn't i told you??

Lisa:-but still you should have come..

Rosé:-then who would please my husband??

Lisa:-is your husband important or me??

Rosé:-obviously my husband.. leave it and tell me did you check on the dead body before coming here??

Lisa:-no..but why are you calling him dead body..he is my best friend..

Rosé:-aww are you feeling sas for him?then where your feelings gone when you killed him yesterday?? don't eat my brain..stay here i am coming..

Lisa:-where are you going??

Rosé:-to change..i can't come out wearing this right?? wait here...


𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 || 𝑱𝑱𝑲𝒙𝒀𝑵 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now