"Right," I nodded slowly, "you need to tell them, it might be a bit of a shock when you bring back an Irish masc lesbian."

"I see your point and I raise you your childhood trauma," she smirked, "we're in the same boat here darling."

"Touché," I giggled with a slow nod.


"Oh my god yes, I've never been to London," Lizzie shined as I invited her to the event that was bound to be insufferable.

"We'll literally only be there for like 3 days," I reminded her, "and we're not seeing my Mum, unfortunately you're going to have to meet my Dad and the rest of my family so I do need to give you a run down and there's some things you can't bring up."

"Okay," she giggled, "am I your girlfriend?"

"Yes, but you're not living with me."

"I'm not living with you babe, I literally live here," she laughed.

"Perfect! We have a solid story then," I giggled.

"Are we having sex?" She asked.

"Umm yeah but not oral," I agreed.

"I wasn't going to bring up oral," she laughed loudly, "hey Mr Y/L/N, lovely wedding- oh and your daughter's pussy tastes great!"

"Definitely don't say that," I chuckled, "I also have a job."

"Where is this fake job?" She smirked.

"At some bar, it doesn't matter where," I replied quickly, "do not under any circumstances bring up politics, gender or my mother."

"Okay," she laughed out her nose, "is that everything?"

"Everything apart from context," I nodded.

"Can I have some context then?" She giggled.

"Um yeah, I guess so," I exhaled, my eyes dropping to Lizzie's hands which were in mine, "I left school at 17 when my parents got divorced and I lived in a hospital for about 7 months before I moved in with Dad. He started drinking a lot and sleeping with a lot of men, I used to wake up and there were just random people in the house. Some of them got a little handsy with me so I moved out and moved in with mum but that wasn't much better. She used to hammer on at me for the smallest things so the second I got the chance, I moved far away and haven't gone back since. I visit maybe once a year but nothing more than that."

"Fucking hell," she expressed with furrowed brows, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," I laughed out my nose, "shit happens."

"Why were you in hospital?" She asked, searching my eyes.

"Can we just say mental health and leave it at that?" I asked back.

She nodded slowly, "whenever you're ready, you can talk to me about it."

"Yeah, I'm fine now so it's literally fine," I smiled reassuringly.

"That was a lot to take in," Lizzie expressed.

"Yeah well ... I thought I'd give you a crash course rather than taking you through every single thing separately."

"How has this never come up?" She asked.

"I try to not think about it because then my chest gets tight, like right now," I exhaled shakily.

"What happened when you were living at your dad's?" She pushed.

"I um- I actually don't think I can talk about this anymore right now, is the room getting smaller? I feel like the rooms getting smaller," I mumbled quickly.

"The rooms the same size, you're okay," she smiled sadly, squeezing my hands, "look at me, you're okay, we're both all right."

I nodded and relaxed back in my seat, my hands still in Lizzie's.

"You don't have to even think about it yet, but when you're ready to talk, I'll listen, okay?" she assured me.

I nodded again and smiled over at her softly, "I can show you around London."

"I can't wait," she beamed.

"I can't believe I'm about to bring you home," I realised.

She nodded, "I'm quite excited actually."

I laughed out my nose and shook my head, "it's really not that amazing."

She shrugged her shoulders, "I get a weekend away with you in a different country, it's basically a holiday,"

"You and I have very different ideas of what a holiday is," I laughed.

A/N - way to trauma dump Y/N <3

the wedding chapter is going to be fun ;)

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