"Good, it's none of your business," I retorted, not wanting to delve into the complexities of my personal life with this girl. We entered the mall, and I contemplated buying new harnesses but decided to just deal with the reason I came here in the first place. Stumped I called Izuku

"Yes, Doll?"

"Formal or Casual, Master?" I asked, receiving a fee looks

"Mmh, Semi-formal" he replied

I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me "Okay, Master"

"Oh and show me everything you try on, okay" he piped up

"Yes sir," I said before I hung up the phone. I looked back at Frog Face who was eyeing me weirdly

I gave Tsuyu a puzzled look before shaking my head. "Let's just get this shopping over with," I grumbled, heading towards the nearest clothing store. As we browsed through the racks of clothes, I couldn't help but notice Tsuyu eyeing me with curiosity every now and then. It was getting on my nerves.

"What?" I finally snapped, turning to face her.

She blinked, looking taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Oh, um, it's just, from what I've seen, based on your conversation with Izuku just now" she started "this uh, BDSM thing seems really toxic and controlling"

I raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to bring up such a topic. I could feel my temper rising at the audacity of this girl to comment on something she clearly knew nothing about. But instead of lashing out, I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

"You have no idea what the absolute fuck, you're talking about," I replied through gritted teeth. "It's none of your business, so mind your own fucking business."

Tsuyu seemed to sense my agitation and quickly changed the subject, pointing towards a rack of suits. "How about we start looking for a semi-formal outfit for the event tomorrow?"

I grunted in agreement, glad that she dropped the previous topic. Continuing my search I picked up a few things before heading to the dressing room. After dressing up and sending the pictures to Izuku, he said He liked how the black dress shirt looked on me along with, red pants, green pants, and orange pants. I picked all three along with two of the black dress pants and headed to the cashier.

I gave her the black card which she looked at, then looked at me, then looked back at the card, then back at me "What?" I grunted in annoyance my patience wearing thin

"This isn't, yours is it?" She asked looking me up and down, a glint in her eyes

I narrowed my eyes at the cashier, feeling a surge of irritation bubbling up inside me. "Just ring it up," I growled, trying to keep my tone steady. She hesitated for a moment, glancing between me and the card before finally processing the transaction. As she handed me the bags, I snatched them from her, my jaw clenched in frustration.

Tsuyu must have noticed my agitation because she quickly stepped in, flashing a smile at the cashier. "Thank you so much for your help! Have a great day," she chirped, ushering me away from the counter before I could explode.

Since I was here I decided to look for another little cat dress for Soot for tomorrow as well as care products and a new toy.

"Hey, which one of the cats are yours?" She asked as we walked towards the pet store

I glanced over at Tsuyu, feeling my tense muscles relax slightly at the change in topic. "The gray one, Soot. She's a little troublemaker but she's mine," I replied, a hint of fondness creeping into my voice.

Tsuyu smiled, her eyes lighting up with genuine interest. "She sounds adorable. I bet she keeps you on your toes."

I chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, she definitely does. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

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