Malediktator aftermath, leaving the date, and getting dinner ready

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After the battle with Malediktator, Ladybug and Queen Bee landed on the Hotel roof by Chloe's suite. 

Queen Bee: Pollen, buzz off! *She de-transform, Pollen hovered next to Chloe, and Chloe hands Ladybug the Bee miraculous back. * 

Ladybug: Thank you, Chloe

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Ladybug: Thank you, Chloe.

Chloe: You're welcome, Ladybug. 

Andre: Chloe? Sweetheart, are you there?

Chloe: Oh, daddy's calling. Bye, Ladybug. *She heads back inside, Ladybug's wings appeared, and she flies up and flies back to Master Fu's house. In Master Fu's massage, Marinette handed Master Fu the Bee miraculous and he put the Bee miraculous back in its spot. * 

Master Fu: The battle against Malediktator was better than the last time you and the others fought him?

Master Fu: The battle against Malediktator was better than the last time you and the others fought him?

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Marinette: (bowed her head) Yes, Master. It was much help.

Master Fu: That's good to hear. Until next time, Marinette.

Marinette: You too, Master. Come on, Tikki. Time to head home, dinner will be ready soon.

Tikki: Okay. *Marinette opened her purse, Tikki goes inside, Lockette disappeared, and they leave his house. *

At the Jardin des Tuileries, Bridgette came out of hiding, she saw Felix sitting on a bridge, waiting for Bridgette. 

Felix: (looking at his phone) Where is she? She's not picking up her phone.

Bridgette: Felix? *Felix gasped, he turned around, and saw Bridgette from a distance. *  Did I... worry you too much?

Felix: Only just a little bit. 

Bridgette: Oh. 'Can't tell him why I'm doing this. If I do, think he'll be trustworthy or understanding at all.'

Felix: Bridgette, I told you I still love you, I was wondering... do you feel the same way.

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now