Chapter 54

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Javier's POV

I pull into a nearby gas station, deciding to fill up the tank and get some snacks for Breo since we're almost at our next hotel further out of town. Turning to her in the passenger seat for a moment, I watch as she contently hums to herself, focused on the scenery around us. I don't even think she's realised the car has stopped- fuck she's adorable.

I hate myself for being unable to give her the stability that she needs right now, but her safety is my priority. I can't risk moving into another apartment just to end up in the same position again. So for now we're on a impromptu road trip, and I'm just trying to make the most of my time with her. Luckily she doesn't seem to mind at all.

Business is going surprisingly well considering lawyer and head of security have gone M.I.A.

Alejandro is more money minded than ever since we lost that deal at the dock, selling twice as much product than normal- while the rest of the Siete have gone back to business as usual. Apart from the evident animosity they feel towards Arturo and Fernando, especially after finding out about what happened to Pedro. 

The status on P has pretty much stayed the same since I last saw him, which isn't worse- but I'm just banking on Carmen being right about him making a full recovery. All of us are.

Carloz has made a trail on Arturo, and so has Gabriel- allegedly. Both of their updates have been consistent so I have no reason to doubt anyone, for now at least- although business is always the last thing on my mind when I'm with Bre.

"You okay baby?" I ask, regretting snapping her out of her peaceful daze.

"Mhm!" She nods, grinning at me adorably.

"I'm just gonna get some gas okay?" I explain, making sure my wallet is in my back pocket, "You need anything from the store?"

She shakes her head, before pausing to think over my question. "Wait, maybe...gummies please?"

"Of course princesa."

Closing the car door, I wave at her through the drivers window before filling up the truck and making my way inside the station.

I pick up a few extra snacks, in addition to the gummies, walking past the beer section without picking anything up for the first time in a while. Maybe some sobriety will do me some good.

Walking up to the counter I place my items on the table, watching the cashier ring my items up.

"Oh yeah and $46 on pump three." I point to my truck outside the entrance, noticing Breo sitting patiently, familiarising herself with the area.

An ear splitting bang sounds through the air, followed by a few more, echoing over the laughter of children on the other side of the gas station.

"Stupid kids." The elderly cashier exclaims out loud, "I keep telling them to quit playing with those BB guns but they won't listen."

He shakes his head in disappointment, and I keep my head down, instantly feeling a sick feeling spread through my stomach. It's not like I haven't heard gunfire before, real gunfire at that- so why do I feel so weird?

He rings up my total and I place a couple bills on the table, telling him to keep the change. I don't know what's wrong with me but I need to get back to the truck.

Getting situated in the drivers seat I start the engine immediately, realising I forgot the snacks I bought on the gas station counter but that's the last thing on my mind right now. Reversing away from the station I head straight to our hotel which is only 10 minutes out, almost running a red light.

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