Chapter 34

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Breo's POV

I open my eyes slowly, allowing my vision to adjust just to the bright overhead lights in the room. I look around slowly, realising where I am- taking a moment to process that I'm not dead, because for a little while I thought I was going to be.

Turning to the left the large figure next to me becomes clear, or as clear it can be without my glasses. My eyes widen immediately as soon as I realise who it is, I attempt to open my mouth to speak but a sharp pain surges through my face.

"It's okay." I hear J say reassuringly, as I watch him walk closer to me. I look to him, conflicted by the fact that I went through so much to get away from him, just to wish I was in his arms again, and to feel his arms wrapped around me as I get lost in his scent- part of me wishes I never left.

I reach for my face and he watches my arms move up slowly, before he explains what happened. All I can do is sit in shock as tears stream down my face, wondering what I could've done to deserve all this, why didn't Nathan just kill me?

"You want me to call the doctor?" He asks gently, still standing a few inches away from the side of my bed- the distance making my heart ache more than I can comprehend, he probably hates me for leaving.

I shake my head and lift my arms out in a hugging motion, wanting to be in held by him for a moment, before reality sets in and I can no longer repress what Nathan did to me or what J did to that man that night.

"I'm sorry." I try to mumble, but he quiets me down as soon as I try to speak. "It's okay I'm not mad at you, you're okay Bre."

He pulls me into him softly, as if I'm going to break-allowing me to sob into his chest until I run out of tears, my eyes stinging from the irritation.

I pull away from him gently, looking up into his eyes as he places a kiss on my forehead, wiping away my tears with the back of his thumb. How can a man so gentle hurt someone the way he did?

"Wait, I have something for you." He says before reaching into his jacket pocket. I gasp, recognising his furry yellow body and bright red T shirt instantly. I can't believe he brought Tiny Pooh bear. Tears fill my eyes again, but this time they're tears of joy. Happy that Javi brought him here for me, and even happier that I get to see my best friend again. I look at pooh with apologetic eyes, hoping he'll understand that I didn't mean to leave him behind.

"Thank you." I try to mouth slowly but the pain makes me stop mid sentence.

"Shh." He continues soothingly, cupping my swollen cheek gently, "It's okay gorgeous." He responds, giving me one more forehead kiss before a knock on the door interrupts the moment.

A small-ish man in a lab coat walks through the door. "Breo, it's so nice to see you're awake, how are you feeling?"

I look up at J and he nods at me reassuringly before the man in front of us walks towards the end of the bed I'm laying in. "I'm Dr Webber, I performed your jaw surgery." He continues with a smile. I nod and try to smile back but stop, remembering how much it hurt to talk before.

"This might help in communicating." He hands a note pad and pen to Javi and he places it in front of me slowly.

"Don't worry if you can't write fast, you can take your time, we just want to make sure you're okay."

I look back at Javi who is focused on me, I nod at the both of them and exhale, trying to regulate my thoughts so I don't end up being overwhelmed again. We stay in silence for a moment and I reach for the pen with my right hand, noticing the robust cast that has been wrapped around it, instantly panning to my other arm to notice I have a wrist support bandage strapped around it in a similar fashion too. I had no clue I was this broken.

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