Chapter 51

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Breo's POV

Adjusting the position of my kindle in my hand, I tap the screen to the next page, cuddling both big and tiny pooh bear on the sofa with me. I've never had a kindle before but I'm so glad Pedro got me one, even though our book club hasn't been as consistent as I thought it would be. In the meantime I've been going through almost a book a day.

I'm not too upset about the book club though, maybe reading books just aren't his thing, he does like talking about them though. Sometimes when Pedro comes over, instead of playing games he'll ask about what I'm reading, and give his opinion about the characters I tell him about, it's very fun, especially when he gets worked up about certain character plots.

Tapping the screen again my eyes dart throughout the text, trailing towards the bottom of the page before tapping again, enjoying how quickly the story seems to be progressing. Usually when this happens I end up reading for hours until Javi comes home, not even realising the day has gone by already.

I take a deep breath, hesitating to tap the screen again as thought of Javi makes my heart flutter- distracting me from the book entirely.

Taking a break from reading, I softly caress the necklace he got me. I can't believe I'm his girlfriend. I never thought I'd be with anyone again, let alone someone as amazing as him. Sometimes I worry I'll ruin things so I've been reading books on relationships too, making sure to highlight quotes I think apply to us best. I want to be the best person I can for him, or at least try not to be as bad of a girlfriend as I was with Nathan.

To make sure I don't make the same mistakes I've been asking for ingredients to make food for him before he gets home, and I've been cleaning more over the past few weeks too. He's reassured me that he doesn't need me to do anything, bringing back take out so I don't cook, or placing the cleaning products on high shelves so I don't clean without him. But I fear that I'm not doing enough, that I'm not good enough. Surely he must need me to do things for him. Isn't that what good girlfriends do?

Leaning back into the sofa I sigh, checking the time on my phone before realising it's getting late. I would start making dinner but Javi stopped buying ingredients in an effort to make me cook less, I guess it's worked.

Standing up slowly, I stretch my arms above my head gently, rotating side to side to fix the ache in my neck from my terrible posture, until a loud bang sounds though the building, followed by several more.

I freeze immediately in fear, not knowing what's going on or what to do next. Another bang sounds, closer this time, like it's coming from right outside the front the apartment, and I'm right.

Short bursts of banging sounds hit the main entrance, as I watch sparks of fire flash through the holes many left through the front door. My instinct is to scream but no sound comes out.

I duck immediately, realising the person who made those holes is still outside. Grabbing both pooh bears with trembling hands I crouch behind the sofa, flinching when another round of bangs sound through the air slightly further away, hearing screams from the house next door.

I cover my mouth with my hand, suppressing the loud sobs that attempt to pass my lips. I don't know what to do. Hands over my head I rock back and forth, trying to make sense of all this. Is it Nathan? Did he mean to break into this apartment instead? How did he find me? I knew he would find me.

My sobs become harder and harder to keep quiet as the burning in my chest increases. I need to get out of here, or call Javi, do something.

The screams persist and no matter how much I rock back and forth I can't stop panicking.

The loud bangs stop before I hear a woman pleading from a distance. "Please I'll do anything, why are you doing this?" Before the loud sounds continue again. I picture myself in that position, knowing I wouldn't even have enough courage to speak, let alone beg for my life.

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