Chapter 43

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Breo's POV

"No you press X to jump." Pedro says as he holds the controller in front of me to I can see, "Like this." He continues, smiling before handing it back to me.

"Okay." I say with a grin, attempting to play the game on the console Javi got for me a few days ago. Pedro suggested I should get one so I wouldn't be bored at home, and surprisingly J brought one home the next day. Receiving gifts is something that I still struggle with, but Javi's reassurance is something I will always appreciate.

Part of me feared that after our conversation a few weeks ago he'd resent me, or realise that I did hurt my baby and no longer want to be around me, but unexpectedly we are closer than ever. I feel more normal, like I'm getting better- I feel better. Javi seems like he is too, however sometimes I can tell something is weighing on his mind, and I don't know how to help him alleviate that worry.

I've been reading books about people who have lost their parents so I can understand how he feels, or at least try to. That way if he decides to tell me about his mum I'll know what to do to help, instead of making him worse. I want to be someone he can rely on, like any normal person would be. I don't want to be a burden.

Between his late nights and early mornings, I really appreciate how much time he manages to put aside for me, even though I still fear being a distraction.

Whenever he works late I make sure to stay up until he comes home, so he knows I wouldn't go to bed without saying goodnight to him. It makes me feel better to know he's home safely as well. Recently, on late nights Pedro comes by to keep me company too. He says he's here to protect me when J is working but I know he's only joking, we're safe in this apartment, and I'm safe with Javi.

In his time here Pedro has introduced me to new movies and shows, even though some of them are a bit too intense for me, and new hobbies too, like social media. I've never had an account on any app before so I'm only friends with Pedro, who posts a lot of pictures with no shirt on- I think it's very funny. In return Pedro bought us matching Kindles to start a book club, although it's very slow going. Pedro says I read abnormally fast so I usually wait for him to catch up- but I don't mind, it's lovely having such a nice friend.

"If you want more costumes and shit you've got to collect the little bubbles, they have items in it." Pedro explains while he chews the twizzler in his mouth.

"Do I get to pick the items?" I ask timidly, feeling bad for not knowing how to play properly, I've never played games like this before. I used to watch Nathan play them sometimes, but that's it.

"Nah but if you get enough you'll see something you like." He explains again, helping me press the trigger button at the back of the controller when I get stuck again.

"I like this game." I say with a smile, looking to Pedro before turning behind to see Javi watching us, leaning over the kitchen island.

"See? I told you she'd like it." Pedro says cross the room as J smiles at me, making my stomach flutter.

"What's the game called?" He asks, placing his phone in his pocket before making his way to the couch next to us.

"You're an old man, why do you wanna know?" Pedro responds with a laugh.

I gasp, covering my mouth in an attempt to suppress my giggles, Javi isn't old, well I don't think so anyway. "It's called little big planet." I whisper to J, as he nods to thank me quietly.

"26 is old to you? That's crazy." Javi says in a playful manner, rolling his eyes as Pedro laughs at him.

"He's 27 on Christmas." I chime in, excited to be part of the conversation, "We're gonna have a party right Javi?"

"Oooh Javi is having a birthday party?" Pedro responds in a silly tone, as instantly look to J to make sure I haven't done anything wrong. "Yes baby we're having a party." He responds to me reassuringly, rubbing my back gently.

"He's gonna have to retire soon." Pedro says to me, playfully nudging my arm as he puts another twizzler in his mouth. I laugh in response, turning to Javi again to give him a small smile.

"Will you have a party on your birthday?" I ask Pedro, focused on the screen while I try to manoeuvre my character up a very steep platform.

"Mine isn't for a while." He shrugs, "It's in August."

"Mine is in June." I respond, still focused on the game.

"Wait, Bre is older than you?" Javi exclaims, clapping his hands in amusement. My eyes widen as I put the controller down to look at Pedro.

"Nah no way! What year were you born?" He asks, with shocked expression plastered across his face.


"Wait me too!"

"I told you Bre is older than you, dumbass." Javi says while laughing even harder. It's nice seeing him like this, when he's happy I'm happy.

"So you're 23 in June?" Pedro clarifies in disbelief, and I nod.

"It's okay you're 23 in August that's close." I reassure him, trying not to giggle too much to avoid hurting his feelings.

"This is bullshit." Pedro sulks playfully, crossing his arms for the full effect. "How am I supposed to boss you around if you're older than me?"

"You were never gonna boss her around anyway." Javi interrupts, making a face to Pedro that I don't understand.

"Oh shit I should get going." Pedro continues, standing up to put his phone in his pocket as he moves his long hair out of his face, taking another twizzler before heading towards the door.

"Oh are you busy?" I ask solemnly, missing his company already.

"Yeah I have a work thing, sorry B- but we'll FaceTime this week for our book club alright? I didn't forget." He says with a smile, waving to Javi and I as he lets himself out the door.

I watch the door close, frowning slightly as I put the controller away.

"You okay baby?" Javi asks, relaxing into the sofa as he pats the space next to him. I nod, sitting next to him as instructed.

"Is something important happening at work?" I ask, hoping that wasn't too much of an invasive question.

"Something like that." Javi responds, kissing my forehead gently. I instantly grin, getting the same familiar fluttering feeling I always get when he's close to me.

"Oh." I respond with another frown, hoping I'm not distracting him again. "If you need to go to work that's okay." I explain, trying my best to give him the most convincing smile I can, even though I know I'll miss him.

"Nah I don't need to. You know why?" He asks smugly, his deep dimples forming in his stubbly cheeks as he smiles at me again.


"Because we're going to the San Antonio Zoo." He looks at me blankly as I try to process what I've just heard.

My eyes widen as soon as he finishes his sentence, "We're going to the zoo?" I gasp, "When?"

He kisses me on the forehead again, "Today gorgeous. If you want."

"Really?" I ask, feeling so overwhelmed with excitement that I don't know what to do next.

"Yes really, let's go get ready."

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