Chapter 14

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Javier's POV

Scrolling through my phone I wait for Breo to get ready in the bathroom before we go to the store. Teresa cleaned the clothes she came with a few days ago so she's putting those on. Looking around the room while waiting, I realise she didn't bring a lot with her, I probably should've taken her to the store sooner.

The bathroom door opens and Breo walks out slowly.

"You good?" I ask, realising this is the first time she's been out since she got here.

"Yes." She nods, smiling at me slightly before holding her bear in her hand tighter. She must be nervous as hell.

Walking past me on the couch she makes her way to to the door, picking up her backpack that was next to it. She unzips the front pocket and brings out her purse.

"You don't need to bring that- If you want anything, I'm paying." I explain. She pauses in the middle of zipping her bag up before looking up at me.

"It's okay I can pay." She responds while nodding.

Sighing I stand up slowly and walk towards her. She looks nervous but stays still. I don't think she understands that I don't care about paying, it's just money- and that's what I want to explain to her.

Standing closer she avoids eye contact with me, looking down at the floor before briefly looking up at me and shying away.

"You know why I want to pay?"

She shakes her head, holding on to pooh bear in one hand, backpack still in the other.

"Because I want to." I pause, trying my best to explain without making her feel uncomfortable.

I continue once I notice she's looking at me more intently. "So because I want to, it's not expensive, alright?"

She nods and places down her backpack. She looks so nervous, part of me wants to reach out and reassure her, but I don't. It's not my place to.

"Okay." She nods, adjusting her jacket before zipping it up, following behind me as we leave the room. I briefly talk to the guy in front of her door, watching him leave with the guy across the hall before we make our way to the garage. I don't like people knowing my business, that includes people who work for me too.

We make our way to the garage and I notice her looking around as she follows me closely, holding onto her bear. I realise she hasn't seen much of the house until now.

Now downstairs I hold the garage door open for her to walk through before hearing footsteps coming down the hallway.

I look up to see one of my guys, Gael walking towards me. "You good boss?" He asks casually, while I quickly look at Breo who is now nervously standing in the garage- looking back at me.

"Yeah I'm cool, you heading out for the night?" I reply calmly- I have nothing to hide but I worry about Breo freaking out, Gael is one scary looking cholo.

"Uh yeah, the guys were gonna uh- get some drinks then we were gonna come back." His pause mid sentence lets me know that none of the Siete know about this get together. I personally don't mind but G likes to run a tight ship.

He starts to look nervous and I can't help but laugh to myself, respect can make even the scariest of motherfuckers look soft.

"Alright just don't do anything too crazy- tell G drinks are on me too, just get the card from Gomez."

He nods and smiles before I can finish my sentence, "Alright boss." He responds before making his way back down the hallway, probably to tell the rest of the guys the good news.

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