Chapter 40

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Javier's POV

"I'll have a Tecate." I nod to the bartender behind the counter, placing a $20 bill on the table before getting seated. "Keep the change."

Azuca's is more crowded than I thought it would be on a Thursday night, but I guess it must be one of those weeks. Loud music fills the room as people brush past one another between the bar and the dance floor- by the way people were drinking you'd think there'd be no liquor here by the end of the night- maybe I should've bought this bar instead.

Taking another sip of beer I think about the meeting today with the Siete, hoping that I'm just being a paranoid motherfucker and Arturo isn't playing in my face. We were drinking, emotions were high, and shit was tense with G too- it's easy to get suspicious when the liquor hits. I'm not about to fuck up my business because I 'think' something is up, with everything that's happened with Gabriel I know that just thinking doesn't get anyone anywhere, I need answers.

The bar doors open and a bony finger taps my shoulder not long after, I barely have to lift my head to see the lanky tweaker that is Manuel in front of me. We went to the same high school, went down similar career paths too, but clearly ended up in very different places. He flashes a yellow grin at me as I gesture for the bartender to bring another beer.

"Ramirez how you doin?" He says with another grin, making an attempt to shake my hand but I don't oblige, I have no clue where this motherfucker has been.

"Good, you?" I answer blankly.

We never talked much in high school and we don't talk now, however pendejos like him always know what's going on in San Antonio. This culero has more info on half the motherfuckers in this building than the DEA would know what to do with. No one cares if the drugged up junkie can see you making a deal with a new supplier, or comes to your brand new apartment to pick up a few keys because you can't be bothered to make the trip- but you should. That's how you get shot up, robbed, killed or missing, and information is very easy to get when you have what they want.

Some dealers don't care where the hell you come from, as long as you pay them what you owe- but that dumbass mentality makes every buyer a potential threat, because you never know who you're selling to, like Manuel for example.

"I'm good." He responds enthusiastically, taking a long sip of beer before wiping his blister covered mouth with the back of his hand. Cringing at the sight of him I lean back a little, wanting to make this as quick as possible.

"Do you got it?" He asks desperately in a very breathy whisper, putting me off my beer entirely.

"We'll see." I reply nonchalantly, letting him get situated in his seat before I continue.

"What do you wanna know?"

Deciding to be straight forward I don't hold back, I need answers, something, anything.

"You seen Saco near here? Or at Tito's?"

"Saco?" He questions pretentiously.

Sighing in slight frustration I look at him casually before glancing around the room again. "Look man don't waste my time."

"Okay okay." Manny gestures in innocence, sipping his beer again shakily.

"I ain't seen Saco here, I seen his friend Eduardo at Tito's though."

"Yeah?" I listen intently, trying to put the very loose pieces of information I have so far together.

"Mhm." He nods enthusiastically.

"I seen him every day at Tito's when I go to get a hit off of Luis' stash outside the bar sometimes, he lets me come in if I don't talk to no customers too."

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