Chapter 7

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Javier's POV

G sits down on the couch nervously while I stand next to the bed to make sure Breo doesn't get worse.

A knock at the door causes him to stand up and I get the door. Carmen immediately brushes past me with bags in her hands, her long brunette hair almost hitting me in the face, followed the smell of her perfume actually hitting me in the face not long after.

"Where's the girl."

G anxiously points to Breo on the bed and sits back down while I walk towards the bed with Carmen.

"Shit J what happened?" Placing her bags down she takes off her jacket before tying up her hair up, revealing her flushed taupe skin. She must've rushed to get here.

"It's a long story Carmen, do you know what's wrong?" I ask, trying to keep things focused on Breo.

"Don't tell me you did this J."

Gabriel looks at me with disbelief and I don't even bother to look at Carmen. "What the f- you think I'd do this? Why would I call you if I did?"

She shakes her head and looks back up at me. "With the shit I've heard your crew have been up to these days, it wouldn't surprise me."

Gabriel stands up and turns to the door, he can't even look Carmen in the face. "I'll wait outside."

Watching him leave I turn back to Carmen. "Look I brought her in after she got beat on by her boyfriend, that's it."

"How long has she had the fever." She questions, moving Breo's hair away from her forehead before taking her temperature.

"I don't know, Teresa told me she was sick an hour ago and so I called you."

"I'm gonna need to take this off." I look at her while she's pointing at Breo's pants, there seem to be drops of blood on her upper thigh.

"You need help?"

"Maybe, stay in the room." She turns to open up one of the bags she brought, bringing out a large pair of scissors. Removing the blankets from over Breo completely she starts to cut all the way up the side of the pants she's wearing.

"Those were expensive you know." I say to Carmen while she's concentrating. I knew her for a while before her and G got together, it's always fun to annoy her.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes, "Just be quiet and hold this." Carmen hands me the scissors, proceeding to take off Breo's pants. I turn around to give her some privacy until I hear Carmen speak again.


I turn around immediately to see the cut on her upper thigh. Fuck it looks nasty, her boyfriend did that to her?

"It's definitely infected, or at least about to be." She continues, pulling out some gloves out from her bag with some other equipment. 

"I'm gonna need to stitch her up."

I watch as Breo's eyes open slowly and immediately stand closer to her so I can explain what's going on as soon as she's up.

"While she's awake?" I question, that shits got to be painful- she tried to keep it together with bandaids too, this is so fucked.

"No, I'm gonna put her to sleep."

Breo sits up slowly, widening her eyes once she sees Carmen in front of her. She turns to me immediately and I try my best to explain what's going on.

"Hey hey it's okay." I gesture so she knows she can lay back down, luckily she follows accordingly. "You're sick and hurt so I called someone to help you, this is Carmen."

I turn to Carmen to see she's holding up a needle, probably not the best thing to see when you've woken up from a fever.

Breo tries to sit up again, in an effort to get away from the needle.

"Look we're just trying to help." I pause, placing my hand on her shoulder gently. She immediately tenses up but I don't think she has much fight in her to move away.

"How did you get hurt?" Carmen questions, looking through her bag again.

"N-Nathan." She says quietly, her voice cracking slightly as she speaks.

Carmen looks to me confused and I clarify. "Her boyfriend." She nods and looks back at her thigh.

"When did Nathan do this?"

"Y-Yesterday." Immediately after she speaks she winces, closing her eyes in pain. I don't even know the guy and I want to kill him.

"You had your tetanus shots?" Carmen asks quickly, pulling out some more gloves before checking the syringe again.

She nods and Carmen stands up. "Okay I'm gonna go wash my hands and come back, I'm gonna have to stitch you up."

Breo looks at me again and I watch Carmen walk towards the closet door. Her bedside manner has never been the greatest but she always gets shit done which I appreciate. "Bathrooms on the right." I say while pointing to the correct door. She walks in there hurriedly, leaving the door open behind her.


I turn to Breo now laying down in bed, seeing her eyes fill up with tears.

"It's scary but it's okay, Carmen is doing this so you get better." I pause at the end of my sentence, surprised those words came out of my mouth, and even more surprised with how much sympathy I have for the girl. Something about her just makes me want to protect her.

She nods again and wipes her eyes gently with the back of her hand hands, before tucking her auburn coils behind her ear.

"Pooh bear?" She says worriedly.

Looking at her in a confused fashion I wonder what she's talking about, until I remember the bear she brought with her. 

"Your stuffed animal?"

She nods and I look around on the bed to see if I can find it. Pulling back the sheets a little I see it laying there, it probably got moved when I pulled them away from her earlier.

Picking it up gently I hand it to her and watch her relax immediately. She must be really attached to it.

Carmen comes back in and puts her gloves on. "I'm gonna need you to bring that table over here."

She points to the coffee table by the couch and I walk over to pick it up, placing it by the bed. Normally some other guy should be doing this shit but this isn't time time to be an asshole about things.

"Okay I'm gonna give you some medicine and by the time you wake up I'll be all done alright?"

"Alright." Breo says quietly, holding tightly onto her bear.

"Before I start are you hurt anywhere else?" Glancing away from her very swollen eye I look at her other leg. Other than a few scratches it seems fine luckily. I assume those were the extent of her injuries before looking up and noticing a very large bruise peering underneath her unbuttoned shirt. She must've had a fever before she went to bed too.

Looking up for a moment to think she answers Carmen. "My wrist." She lifts up her arm to show a several bruises trailing up her forearm, and a particularly dark one around her wrist.

She also points to her chest and collar bone that also seems swollen and bruised. How the hell did she sit on a bus for 5 hours in that much pain?

"Okay I'm gonna put you to sleep now."

I stand back while Carmen injects her forearm with the syringe, watching Breo look away nervously. I notice the meds start to kick in once her grip on the bear loosens and her head falls gently into the pillow.



"The guy who did this?" She pauses while she starts stitching Breo's leg together. "I wouldn't be mad if something happened to him."

I nod in agreement, "I wouldn't be mad neither."

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