Chapter 21

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Gabriel's POV

"Talk to you later mami I just got to Arjons."

I wait for Carmen to hang up the call before parking out front, adjusting my chain in the overhead mirror before stepping out. I'm definitely ready to get fucked up tonight.

"Aye G what's good?" Rafael walks towards me as I enter the building. He's one of our bigger cholos but he's so friendly most people don't notice his size- he's a different story when we're on a job though. The smell of his cheap cologne hits me before he gets close enough to give me a handshake.

"I'm good, I'm good." I respond, pausing while the man out front opens the door for the both of us.

The sound of loud music fills the doorway followed by the smell of weed and liquor. A smile grows on my face, I'm definitely in my element. The venue was spacious but dark, the only light coming from dark blue LEDs throughout the room. The fog machines were definitely helping the ambiance too.

Bitches were on poles, tables, the bar and I assume in the back- and every pendejo in here looks like they're tryna get some. I look to my right and notice Raf has already gone off with one of the perras working the poles. I shake my head and make my way through the room of crowded people, continuing to soak in the atmosphere.

I walk towards the Siete's usual section in the back, avoiding a bitch who definitely seems interested in offering me her services. I almost oblige but I just got back with Carmen, no way I'm fucking that shit up again.

"G! My man!" Carloz exclaims as soon as he sees me, the rest of the group does the same apart from J who's sitting in the corner of the large L shaped couch in front of me, preoccupied on his phone.

"Aye it's only midnight how the fuck are you gone already?" I joke to Fernando as I sit next to him. Either that weed is good as fuck, or he popped some shit before he got here. "You only live once." He laughs in response, flashing his gold tooth in the process.

I laugh too, reaching to the table in front of me to grab a beer, it's best if I start off light.

"You off the hard liquor now that Dr House took you back?" Alejandro jokes, causing Fernando to laugh his way out of his weed induced daze- J still in the same position as before.

"Yeah yeah whatever man." I respond jokingly, taking a large swig of my beer before leaning back into the couch.

Daniel and Pedro arrive not long after and the party really starts. Daniel ain't much of a party guy with all his corporate suit bullshit going on, but he can never refuse a good looking puta.

We all watch from across the room as a jaina who looks like Selena and Salma Hayek's love child give him the lap dance of his life. His tie is undone, his shirt is half unbuttoned and god knows where his thousand dollar jacket has gone but doesn't look like he gives a shit- he's practically in love. Too bad she's the typa bitch that charges by the hour.

"Tell her it's my turn after!" Fernando shouts across the floor, not that anyone but the few people here could hear him, the bass was practically making the floor shake.

I turn to take another tequila shot and notice Javier getting up from his seat. "You good La Parca?" Carloz asks, but by the time he's done speaking, J has already left our section.

"What's up with him?" Pedro asks me before taking a shot. I shrug and try to focus on having a good time. I'm his best friend not his babysitter.

"He's been on his phone all night, is there some business shit we need to know about?" Arturo asks Alejandro who's sitting next to him.

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