Chapter 31

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Breo's POV

A cold sweat brings me out of my sleep and I sit up in bed instantly, turning to see Nathan sleeping peacefully beside me. I fix my gaze on him for a moment, feeling a distant but familiar feeling while looking at him, as if I've been in this exact moment before.

A sharp pain suddenly spreads through my lower stomach and I wince in pain, clutching it tightly. My legs spasm from the agony, causing the sheets to slide away from my body, revealing a violently red pool of blood beneath me. My breathing picks up and I feel between my legs, knowing what I've done.

"My baby." I whimper, trying to get out to bed but my legs tremble under me.

"What did you do." A loud voice next to me questions, and I turn, looking at Nathan who I thought was just in bed next to me, standing above me.

"I-I I'm so sorry." I say between sobs, watching rage fill his eyes as he lifts me up by my shirt. I resist, trying to push myself away from him but to no avail.

"You killed our baby!" He pushes me to the floor in anger, and I scramble to my feet, trying to make sense of what is happening, how did I manage to lose my baby again? The feeling of grief overwhelms me and I break down into tears, unable to move.

"N-Nathan Please." I beg, trying my best to keep my whimpers to a minimum as he walks towards me. My feet stay rigid, almost as if I'm fused to the floor boards, his demeanour becoming more threatening with every step he takes. My body begins to shake as I realise what's about to happen and I make no more effort to plead my case.

I look behind him for a moment before he's right in front of me, noticing the red puddle on the bed has disappeared. I stare at the sheets in disbelief, feeling Nathan pull me into his embrace, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I almost lose my breath from the whiplash, watching him hold me at arms length, hands on my shoulders.

"How's our baby doing?" He asks, looking at me with genuine eyes, his full locs dropping in tandem with his head as he looks down towards my stomach. I look at him, confused for a moment before noticing a slight baby bump under my T-shirt.

It feels as if I've gone through all the stages of shock in a second, trying to understand how this is happening.

I instantly hold my stomach, sighing a shaky breath of relief. My baby is okay, everything is okay.

Nathan places his hand on top of mine and I grin at him from ear to ear as he places a kiss on my forehead once more. "I love you Bre." He says, placing his index finger under my chin so I can look into his eyes. Hearing his voice again I freeze, realising Nathan isn't the one speaking to me.

I open my eyes and find myself back in J's house, standing in the middle of the room he let me stay in, while he holds me in the way Nathan just was.

"What?" I say out loud in disbelief, quickly looking down to confirm my baby bump is still there.

"I said how's our baby doing?" He repeats with a smile, as I watch the deep dimples form in J's cheeks as he speaks to me.

I look at him confused, unaware of what's going on, the window behind him bringing back recent memories. He's a murderer, I saw him, but somehow I can't stop myself from wanting to be in his embrace.

I hold him tightly, apologising profusely.

"I'm so sorry Javi, I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to go." I feel him try to pull me away but I wrap my arms around him even tighter than before, not wanting to accept the fact that he might fade away.

"What are you talking about Bre?" He questions in a surprised manner. Did I stay all along?

Still holding onto him, I try to make sense of all these events but all it does is cause my head to hurt. I close my eyes in an effort to ease the throbbing in my forehead and open them, realising J is no longer in front of me.

For the first time since the start of all this I'm able to move, and I turn around, looking for him frantically. "Javi?" I call out, almost screaming at this point. The thought of losing him again bringing me more pain than I can comprehend.

"Yeah baby?" He says to me from the room door way. I look to him with a smile, feeling the faint inkling of relief disappear completely when I notice the look of horror spread across his face.

"Bre you're bleeding." Is all he can say to me, still stood in the doorway, looking between my legs.

I look down instantly and gasp, holding onto my stomach again as another wave of sharp pain courses it's way through me. I feel a heavy object hit the back of my head and I look up again, realising I'm now on the floor, with Nathan right above me.

Before I get the chance to stand up he hits me into the ground, the feeling I felt a second ago spreading through the back of my head again. I bring my knees to my chest immediately in an effort to protect my stomach.

"You keep making me do this!" He yells, kicking my lower back so hard I can almost feel it in my kidneys.

"Nathan no! Our baby! Please!" I beg, closing my eyes as deja vu takes over, I've definitely been here before, this is how it all happened.

I attempt to lift myself up with weak arms, trying to do what I couldn't before, which is get away from him. If I can just manage stop him even a minute earlier, maybe I can save my baby.

I keep my head down as my arms still tremble, my entire body feeling like it's on fire.

With my legs too feeble to support me I crawl away from him as fast as I can, realising we're back in his room and I'm almost at the door. Almost instantly I hear a loud bang, followed by the sound of footsteps.

I look around the room again, unable to see anything but a pitch back abyss. I start to panic, I need to get away from Nathan, I need to protect my baby.

A bright light surrounds me and my eyes close involuntarily, shielding my retinas from the gleaming flash of light around me. My face feels heavy and my body aches beyond imagination, but I gather the strength to open my eyes again slowly, registering that I'm now on my back.

"Bre?" I hear a familiar voice call out before hearing more footsteps, feeling my head being lifted up from the cold tiles beneath me.

"Bre baby I'm so sorry." The voice continues. I try to open my eyes wider to get a better view of the person above me but my vision only gets cloudier.

Suddenly I'm able to put a name to the voice.

"Javi?" My voice is so hoarse it's barely a whisper, I can almost feel my throat crack with every breath.

"Bre please stay awake for me, it's okay I'm here."

I feel his large hands cradle my head and place them on something soft as tears of relief form in my eyes, stinging my raw skin as they fall down my cheeks.

"Bre you have to stay awake." He repeats. I know it's J but the panic in his voice almost makes him unfamiliar. Is he worried about me?

"My baby." I mutter out, still unable to make the connection between what's in my head and reality.

"What?" He questions, jolting me a little bit to stop my eyes from closing, but they start to feel even more heavy.

"Javi help me, please."

Is all I manage to say before the room goes dark.

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