Chapter 6

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Javier's POV

Looking up at my ceiling I lay in bed, thinking about all the shit I need to do, and there was a fucking lot of it.

Daniel keeps nagging about expanding the business, while we still have some of Saco's guys in our area. I've got shipments to handle, new guys coming in and now Breo. Sighing again I turn over to pick up my phone, it's 4am and I doubt I'll sleep more anyway, so I might as well have a drink. 

Standing up from the bed I pick up my phone and put it in the back pocket of my shorts. Running my hands over my dark, straight buzzed hair to wake myself up a little before opening my room door.

My floor is the only floor in the house that no one goes to, maybe G has once or twice and a couple of girls I've brought back but that's it- and Teresa the housekeeper. If there's any trouble I expect it to be handled before it gets to the top of the house anyway.

Closing the door behind me I jog down the stairs to the floor below me, walking past the room Breo is in. I pause for a moment, wondering if I should check on her but decide not to.

"She been alright?" I say to the cholo standing in front of her door, he's one of the new guys- I can tell because he didn't make eye contact with me until I spoke to him. Guys around here regularly usually know I'm easy going, unless you give me a reason not to be.

He nods in response to my question before speaking, "Yeah she hasn't left or nothing."

Looking at him blankly I respond. "She's not a prisoner or nothing, just making sure she's safe."

"Alright Boss, sorry boss."

I nod and walk downstairs to my office, heading straight for the liquor cabinet. Drinking is not a habit I thought I'd pick up, my dad was a drinker, a dirty alcoholic at that. The pendejo would drink until he couldn't see straight, sometimes I see why he did it.

I only drink socially, or when I need to clear my head. I don't make it a habit, I'm better than my father in that aspect.

Opening the cabinet I pull out a bottle of Clase Azul, pouring it into a small glass before throwing the drink back. It was strong but needed- I take one more shot before leaving the bottle on top of the cabinet and walking to my desk.

I sit for a moment, feeling calm in the silence. No idiots walking around my house, none of the Siete bothering me neither. No bitches calling my phone and no one on my dick with irrelevant business shit. Just quiet.

I lean back in my chair and enjoy it. Maybe I should stay up at 4am more often.

Pulling out my phone from my back pocket I check my phone. I have two phones, one that's private and one for business- funnily the personal one never stays on me. My personal life doesn't bring me money, business does.

I have a few calls to make, seeing as I need to run several legitimate businesses in order to keep the ones I got behind the scenes clean. Daniel normally deals with that, but I've learned from experience that being a boss and not doing shit means people think you ain't shit, and that's not how I work.

The office fills with a dim yellow light radiating through the curtains of the window above me, the sun must be rising already. Deciding to get back in bed for a few hours before getting some work done I make my way back upstairs. It was close to 6am at this point but time doesn't matter if you decide when the work begins.

Back in my room I lay in bed, the tequila has definitely worn off by now but the calm feeling it gave lingered enough to allow me to get back to sleep again. That is before hearing a knock at the door.

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