Chapter 36

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Javier's POV

"We're outside." -G

I read the text from Gabriel once more, looking up to see Breo in bed fast asleep. This is the first night she's slept this peacefully in days, maybe she's starting to feel a little better. A few of her broken ribs gave her a lung infection that she's been fighting off, so we've been at the hospital for another week- she must be sick of this place. I hear a muffled cough from her direction and stand up to soothe her side gently, wishing I could take her pain away.

The cops haven't told us anything about Nathan but that hasn't stopped my guys from putting in work- Pedro found him in a bar a couple miles outside San Antonio, and with the way that motherfucker swung for him, you'd think he was the one who got fucked up in that hotel. He's crazy.

Pedro and Gabriel are keeping him held in an old factory we used to have that's about to be demoed, so we're making use of it while we can.

My phone chimes again and I ignore it, Gabriel is the last of all people that should be impatient with me right now, he can wait as long as I fucking need.

The swelling in Bre's face has gone down a bit and we've been icing it a much as possible, but I know the rest of her healing will take time. I observe her casts and bandages for a second, clenching my fists in frustration- wondering why someone as innocent as her has been put through this much pain. Part of me doesn't even want to waste her asshole ex yet, I want him to suffer- suffer for longer than the 3 days he's been kept in that building to make sure he isn't being followed.

"I've gotta go baby but I promise I'll be back when you wake up." I whisper to her gently, stroking a stray ginger coil away from her face- kissing her forehead softly. Her eyes flutter for a moment before she relaxes back into sleep, as I kiss her once more, making sure her pooh bear is tightly in her arms before leaving.

Walking into the parking lot I see Gabriel in a truck a few steps from the entrance, seeing a similar truck next to him, those must be the rest of the guys. Opening the door to the front seat Pedro and Carloz are the first to say something. "Hey how you doing man?" Pedro leans forward to tap my shoulder firmly, "How's Breo too?" I hear the concern in his voice as he asks about her and I appreciate it, sometimes I think he's the only person I can trust with Bre other than me, the rest of the Siete, not so much.

"Yeah how is she?" Carloz continues to my surprise.

"Better." I say in a monotonous manner, trying to keep my words to a minimum.

G turns to me before turning on the ignition, "That's good I'm gl-"

"Let's just go." I interrupt him, making the car fall silent immediately, I don't have time to deal with his bullshit and lies right now, I barely know if I can trust him.

We wait for the second truck to pull out behind us before Carloz walks me through a potential plan, but with all the shit running through my mind, I can't bring myself pay attention. Honestly, I don't know what the fuck will happen when I lay eyes on that piece of shit, it'll take a whole lot to leave him there alive, but when you wanna kill someone, especially someone who's got heat on them, you need to be smart.

"What if I decide to put a bullet through him?" I question Carloz, mid explanation.

Pedro immediately sits up, turning to Carloz before looking at me. "What if?" He asks in shock, "The fuck do you mean what if? I'm sorry Parca but that motherfucker needs to be gone, he hurt Breo!"

"Hey calm down." Gabriel cuts in from the drivers seat, keeping his composure. He looks to me for a second but I keep my eyes on the road.

"The cops are looking for him Hernandez." He reasons with Pedro for a moment, pushing him gently back into his seat in the process.

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