Chapter 33

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Javier's POV

Following behind the doctor I pause as he opens the door in front of him, allowing me to stand in the doorway before stepping in completely. He was right about her looking different, I almost don't recognise her at all.

I watch her chest rise and fall slowly, the beeping of the machine next to her bed filling in the silence. Her face is just as swollen as it was when I found her, if not more. I cringe as I observe the heavy bandage wrapped around her face, noticing patches of dried blood below her mouth- she must be in agony.

The doctor behind me clears his throat, standing next to me in silence before speaking. "Honestly, it looks worse than it is, she is receiving the best care possible- I assure you. However her ability to speak may be impaired for a few weeks due to the wiring in her jaw- so we will continue to monitor her for the next few days."

When I brought her here I realised I know nothing about her, or at least the shit I thought I should know. All I knew was her name, where she's from and that she lived in San Angelo. I had no clue about the shit that counts; her blood type, allergies, nothing, and I hate myself for that.

I spent hours in that waiting room thinking about all the things I should've done differently, all the things I should've said. She could've been gone, I could've lost her forever, and it would've been entirely my fault. I'm usually the kind of person who's calm, who thinks ahead, and who doesn't let stupid shit get to him- but that's all I've been doing, and now Breo is hurt because of it. My fathers words echo through my mind, and I begin to feel like the skinny wannabe cholo that couldn't step up when it counted- maybe nothing has changed.

Gripping the end of her hospital bed I start to feel frustrated, frustrated at myself for not being there for her when I should've been, frustrated that I couldn't protect her when she needed me the most, and selfishly frustrated that I may never get to give her the love she deserves.

After they rushed Bre into surgery the nurses asked about her insurance, they asked about her next of kin too- but I couldn't give them an answer, or at least an entirely honest one.

I told them she's off of her parents insurance in San Angelo and that she lives with me, which is true, or at least was. I still don't know who has a hand in all this, and as shitty as it is, it's not hard to believe her parents would fuck her over from what she's told me about them- they can't know Breo's here. I let them know I'm her boyfriend and covered her healthcare, I also made sure she's in a private room. Money is never an object with Bre, I just want her to be safe.

Still lost in thought the doctor continues to speak but his words go in one ear and out the other. Less than 48 hours ago I kissed her on the forehead and told her I'd be back in time for us to watch a movie before she goes to bed, and now look at her.

I sigh in annoyance, turning away from the bed- seeing her in this condition brings a feeling so strong I can't describe. Memories from my past begin to flood in again, feeling like I've been here before- and I have. I couldn't protect my mom and I didn't protect Breo, this is all on me.

"I understand if you need a moment, let me know if you need anything I'll be right down the hall." The doctor points to the right of him as he speaks and I nod, reading his name tag before he turns to the door.

"Thank you doctor...Webber." He smiles slightly before turning to open the door behind him, leaving in one swift motion.

I take a seat in the chair next to her bed, and for the first time in years I stop myself from blinking away the tears forming in my eyes, allowing them to roll down my cheeks. I don't know if it's the situation with Breo or maybe it's just been a long time coming but I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do.

I'm just one man, how do I deal with all of this?

Wiping my tears away in annoyance I stand up, brushing a stray curl away from Bre's face before placing a kiss on her forehead. Out of all the shit I have going on, all I care about is her, and it scares me.

Killing, stealing, lying, that's all I know, that's all I've been taught I need- but with Breo I want to be a good person, I want to be good for her, I want to be the man she thinks I am, or thought I was.

I think back to that night with Santi in front of the house, if I was a good guy she wouldn't have seen me put hands on him and run away, she would've been safe with me- but is it so bad that I don't regret it?

I sigh for a moment, laughing to myself at how stupid I sound. "Get a fucking grip." I say to myself, taking in a tear coated deep breath before running my hand over my hair, letting it rest at the back of my neck.

I need a plan, I need to do something, anything- this can't happen again, it won't happen again.

I notice movement to the left of me and watch as Breo opens her eyes slowly, narrowing them immediately after she looks at the bright light above them.

Turning to me her eyes widen and I step back immediately, not wanting to alarm her- grateful that she's awake.

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