Chapter 13

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Javier's POV

It's been a long morning and even longer evening.

Earlier today I closed a deal for a factory I've been interested in buying and once again G wanted to celebrate. Sales have increased and we're moving more product so I didn't say no, however I know I'm going to be fucked up tomorrow from all the liquor I drank so maybe it wasn't worth it.

Parking my car out front I nod to the guys in the front yard as they say hello me before I enter. There hasn't been much heat around here for a while but since the situation with Ricky, Carlos wants more guys out here in case Saco does anything stupid. I can handle myself but there's no harm in being careful. Can't make money with half your guys are dead and the other half in jail.

Walking down the hallway I decide to go straight upstairs. Breo has been here for almost two weeks so far and seems to be settling in. I talk to her when I have the time and honestly even when I don't I've been making time. Gabriel hasn't been too fond of that but I don't care. She's a distraction from the shit I deal with, I can tell she's genuine, that's something I don't see in people often.

She's been getting better slowly too, her swollen eye has gone down significantly, some of her lighter injuries have healed and most bruises have faded. Carmen came by a couple days ago to remove her stitches and bring her some more medicine- G avoided her as expected.

Now at her door I knock on it gently before entering slowly. Entering the room I notice Breo sitting on the couch with her bear. She seems to be reading something, very intently too. Her knees are up to her chest and as soon as I close the door behind me she looks up, smiling widely at me while waving. It's nice seeing her smile without her having to wince in pain.

"Hi!" She says to me, continuing to wave again.

"Hey." I respond, laughing to myself before sitting on the couch across from her. I don't know if it's the liquor still hitting but I can't stop smiling.

"What are you reading?" I ask, pointing towards the small book that's in front of her.

Lowering her legs she sits cross legged and turns towards me, looking at me somewhat sheepishly.

"I- I Found it under the sink." She gestures to the bathroom door as she speaks, and I laugh quietly again once I realise she's reading some sort of manual.

"You into plumbing?" I ask genuinely, maybe that's what she likes.

Breo shakes her head in response and looks down at her lap, stroking her bear. "No."

"You like reading?"

She looks at me again but with bright eyes, unable to contain her excitement. "Yes." She says while nodding enthusiastically.


"Yes." She nods again, smiling again but this time with her teeth, it's a nice smile.

"What kind of books do you like?"

"Pooh bear books." She raises her bear and shows him to me before bringing him close to her chest, she must like Winnie the Pooh a lot.

"Anything else?" I ask, trying to get more out of her.

"Yes." She says with a nod. "I like mystery and adventure." She pauses while looking at her lap again, shyly. "I-I like romance too because it's cute."

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