Chapter 30

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Breo's POV

The banging in the bathroom door continues as I shakily pull myself into a ball beside the sink at the opposite end of the room. Nathan is going to kill me.

I thought I accepted how things were going to go, no one would care if I died, and the only people who might care apart from my brother, have hurt me. I continue to sob, hearing the banging on the door become harder and less frequent, it's not going to hold up for long.

Part of me hopes he'll hit me so hard I'll fall unconscious, unable to feel the rest of the pain he'll inflict on my already broken body. I want to wish for home but I don't know where that is, and I want to wish for comfort even though I have never felt true solace.

Sobbing to myself again I try to think about something, anything good, but all I can do is think about J. Even though the events of tonight will change how I feel about him forever, I miss him. I know I shouldn't but I do.

Lifting my head up from my knees I sigh in frustration, realising this is all my fault. Why wouldn't people hurt me when I miss the people that mistreat me. J would be like Nathan and I know it. Not that I can blame them both, it's all I'm good for.

The top hinge on the bathroom door splits and I stand up, my fight or flight response kicking in immediately. I look around the room, trying to think of a plan to escape, surprising myself with the amount of resilience I have left in me. With shaky hands I bring out my phone from my coat pocket, and call a number. I have to do something, I don't want to die in here, not like this.

"Breo, is that you?" J says through the phone, his voice breaks slightly towards the end of his sentence and a rush of guilt runs through me, but I don't have enough time to react.

"J he's going to kill me!" I practically scream through the phone, hoping that Nathan will slow down once he realises I could have help on the way. "Please help me he's going to kill me!" I sob through the phone, backing into the corner of the shower, watching the door bend in on itself as Nathan continues to ram into it.

"Bre it's going to be okay alright? Where are you?" His voice remains steady and I try to focus on him to remain calm, but it doesn't work.

"I-I don't know." I continue before breaking down in sobs. I'm too late, no one will get here in time to save me, only to collect my corpse.

"Okay Bre I need you to do something for me okay?" J instructs, I nod shakily and respond. "Okay."

"Can you go to your phone settings?" I wipe my clammy hands on the back of my legs before unlocking my phone, "Yes."

I listen to him carefully as he instructs me on how to put my phone's location on, I do so while watching the door almost fall on its last hinge, praying that somehow Nathan will change his mind, but I know my plea will go unanswered. He seems as angry as ever.

"Did you send your location?" J says, interrupting my thoughts, "Y-Yes." I respond shakily, knowing my time is almost up.

"Don't worry Bre you're gonna be oka-" Nathan storms into the room and I hang up immediately, throwing my phone to the other end of the bathroom so he doesn't break it, but I think he's too angry to even notice.

Without saying a word he pulls me out of the shower, my head hitting the bathroom door tiles, instantly staining them red. My ears start to ring and everything feels like it's moving in slow motion. I reach for my head but before I can, a hard blow hits my ribs. I cry out in pain instantly.

"No Nathan please!" I scream out, but I'm not convinced he can hear me because he continues to hit me again and again, ignoring my wails of absolute agony as he breaks me down.

My vision begins to turn blurry as I feel a warm liquid spread behind my head, I think it's blood but I'm too confused to understand what's going on- hating my body for remaining lucid enough for me to feel every painful strike.

I feel him grab a fist full of my hair, pulling me closer to the bathroom door before letting my head fall to the ground again, feeling kicks along my legs, back and chest before more punches land on my now very swollen face. A metallic taste fills my mouth and I can feel my eyes rolling backwards, but I'm brought back when I feel the cold bathroom air hit my skin, he's taken my trousers off.

"No no Nathan please." My swollen lips can barely form the words as I try to make a case for myself. I'd rather he slap me, kick me, punch me. Anything but this, please god not this.

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