Chapter 12

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The royal attendants in brocade clothes leaded everyone to imperial garden where the ceremony is supposed to be held.

The sweet sound of laughter filled the air.
It was exiting and lively.

Everyone was exchangeing sharp blows of words with each other, some were murmuring about the popular news around the capital.

Madam su was also sitting around the corner with her sister, concubine Su. Recently other than concubine Xu, she is also favored.

Concubine Su acted familiar to Taehyung and greeted him with smile.

Madam Su was chatting with concubine Su about the palace selection this year, she wants to send her daughter in; Afterall Sooya is one of the most beautiful unmarried woman in the capital.

Sooya on the other hand exchanged greetings with familiar young ladies, later princess Hua lead her to greet empress.

"Greetings your majesty, the Official's daughter greets you", sooya smiled and kneeled.

"Beautiful child, I heard plenty about you",Empress narrowed her eyes and smiled at Sooya, she heard a lot about this young girl, her affairs with wild man disgusted her.

Now looking at her, this girl's intention is very clear, her beautiful eyes gleaming with ambition and greed of power.

On the contrary, kim family's infamous fool is more pleasing in her eyes, powerful background, easier to manipulate and a male omega who is unable to bear children;

A perfect chess piece.

The ceremony started, the empress combed princess Hua's hair with jade hair comb, and tied it in a bun with the excusite hairpin made of jade and night pearl.

Princess Hua's mother performed serious rituals to bless her daughter. Everyone present also presented gifts to congratulate the new adult.

The ceremony come to an end with blessings of empress dowager, she bestowed gifts to princess Hua as dowry for her marriage in the future, an eunuch announced the list of gifts.

To celebrate, empress invited an infamous opera troop to perform a play representing the circle of life.

Several beautiful young girls performed traditional dance forms with fire and fan in their hand.

Sooya also played pipa impressing many ladies.

Everyone was served small shots of fregrant palm wine to celebrate princess Hua's adulthood.

The aroma of wine filled everyone's nostrils.

Taehyung also accepted the cup a took a sip. The palm wine tasted sweet with hint of sourness after being fermented for a long time.

The ceremony ended peacefully.

The empress invited everyone to the imperial dining hall to have dinner.

Everyone stood up to let greet empress dowager and empress and followed them out.

First empress dowager and empress, then imperial concubines and princess Hua with other royal relatives and last others.

Taehyung tiptoed behind concubine Su who was walking beside concubine Xu and pulled out a tiny silver needle.

The needle poked concubine Xu in such fast way that she don't even realized anything.

However before Taehyung could go back to his position a attendent leading imperial concubines was careless and tripped causing a scene.

And unfortunately she hit a maid carrying teacups.

The sound of drangon painted teacups shattering alarmed everyone and caused panic.

Pieces of broken cups flew here and there,
A piece was about to hit concubine Su, her maid quickly pulled her but the piece unexpectedly hit Taehyung's hand who was behind.

The attendants hurried kneeled down, " This slave is ignorant, please punish us your highness".

The empress glared at them and gestured the maid beside her to drag them down.

"Your blood is turning black!!!", jimin panicked and grabbed Taehyung's hand.

Everyone focused on his hand which was bleeding, the blood is indeed turning black.

"Someone please call physician quickly!", jimin shouted forgetting the royal etiquette.

Eldest princess's wife princess consort who was also present come forward, and took Taehyung's hand to examine;

"He's Poisoned !! Its very harmful for omega's body ,We need to treat him right now!".

Everyone's heart skiped a beat.

Concubine Su who was most probably the real target almost fainted from fear. If not for her maid, she would be the one getting poisoned.

The empress took action quickly. She ordered to call best imperial physicians to treat Taehyung. If something happens to this child kim family might overturn the imperial palace.

"Take him to my palace",

To everyone's surprise it was fifth prince who's always trying to avoid spotlight, never gets involved in royal affairs proposed to take responsibility.

"Hurry up we can't delay, the poison will spread", the omega said with seriousness which is very unfamiliar to everyone.

The fifth prince helped jimin to hold Taehyung, refused to let him get touched by others as if not trusting anyone and left with princess consort.

"Your majesty! Her highness Concubine Xu fainted! She's bleeding!!!", a royal attendant beside empress exclaimed.

Everyone's attention snapped back, and focused at Concubine Xu.

Her delicate face is pale, eyebrows frowning, a side her beautiful pink hanfu is now bloody red.


To be continued...

Hi! everyone, lazy potato is back.

My life has been exhausting lately, my mental health is worse(×-×) This projects, assignment, uni attendance and huge syllabus is driving me crazy(*^*), almost forgot about internship, I'm so miserable T^T

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