Chapter 6

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Days passed peacefully, Seokjin's diner reopened with a new look. Soon it got famous.

The signature dish Taehyung recommend was lit, it was very popular among young people.

Taehyung started made to make a lot of profit. He started to plan his next move for the upcoming trouble.

Soon it was spring, time of flower festival.

Madam Su was preparing to visit Taehyung's courtyard. Every year she presents jewellery to all the siblings before flower festival, also let them choose material for new clothes.

Taehyung's maids welcomed her and left to call Taehyung. Madam Su pour herself tea and took a sip. This high quality tea is specially sent by master Kim to his beloved son.

Taehyung came towards the little flower garden with a artificial pond prepared specially for him by old master and took a sit beside after greeting his stepmother.

Madam Su smiled, in a closer look you can see that smile don't reach her eyes. This Taehyung infront of her eyes felt different, he's calm,more beautiful and graceful, a nobel air surrounded him.

"How is your heath? Mother heard you have been feeling unwell for past few days but couldn't visit because of overflowing work", She asked with a hint of worry laced in her voice.

" Better than before, thanking madam for her concern, it's just common cold. Congratulations on sisters engagement, one heard she'll be marrying into Han residence next winter", Taehyung said with a cold smile playing on his lips.

Madam Su don't respond. Decided to ignore the meaning behind his words, she smiled and continued, " Flower festival is just around the door, mother has prepared some jewellery for you" as she handed him a wooden box.

Taehyung don't bother to open the box, he just gestured a maid to receive it.

" you and your siblings will be choosing material for new clothes today, mother invited someone from luxury clothing store, so come take a look ", she said as she got up and left the courtyard, Taehyung and his maids followed including jimin.


At the main courtyard

On his way to the main courtyard he felt a strange, a heavy gust of wind passed him but he shrugged it off.

He first meet old madam kim and greeted her. It's his second time meeting this person. At a glance she looks cleaver, kind and gentle but unwell. She kindly smiled at him, hold his hand and ask him about his health.

They exchanged some sweet words, she apologized for not visiting him often cause of her poor health. Then asked her maid to hand him the gift she prepared.

Taehyung personally received it and opened the box and find a really pretty and expensive jade hairpin decorated with little flowers.

The shop owner specially came to take measurements today. Everyone in residence was present their except old master and master Kim.

Sooya, her mother concubine Su; youngest daughter of master Kim, Sukhee, her mother Concubine Ji and concubine Lee.

Concubine Lee was second ranked ranked concubine, she don't have any child however she's quite skilled in finance and medicine and thus old madam kim favoured her, she still has a place in the family.

Concubines Ji was a beta and her position just one rank lower than madam Su, her family was old master kim's friend, she has a strong family background that's why she still firm in her position in this residence.

Sooya as always dressed in pink, looking pretty like a flower,her skin was white as snow, being spoiled by her mother, always portraying herself as shy, timid, innocent and pure.

On the other hand Sukhee was very pretty and a little chubby. She's a beta with beautiful green eyes, arrogant, but kind and righteous, always carrying as scholarly air around herself, had a good relationship with master Kim and spoiled by her maternal grandparents.

(Sukhee's appearance)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Sukhee's appearance)

The women that madam Su bought took their measurements one but one. Then spreaded all her best materials for them to choose from.

Sooya decided to act kind in old madam kim's presence and asked Taehyung to choose first.

She internally thought Taehyung has weird choice when it comes to materials, always choosing the most colorful material which looked extravagant and lousy, he's too stubborn to let maids help him, he could never choose the best so it's okay to let him choose first.

Taehyung don't refused and took the lead.

The previous soul always liked bright and vibrant colors and wore heavy make up which outshined his appearance and made him look weird & ugly in people's eyes compare to other youth.

By everyone's surprise Taehyung choose a pure white material with purple border which compliments his jade like skin.

The material was soft and high quality product, it was expensive mostly members of imperial family would wear that.

The designer was surprised then smiled and praised him. Then it was others turn to choose.

Sooya was eyeing that for a long time but she had choose a light pink floral printed material reculently , Sukhee liked the light blue ones that suits her cold temperament.

To be continued...

Sorry for late update, these days I'm very busy attending webinars and special classes. So it took a while to edit the chapter.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter (´ε')

Hope you enjoyed the chapter (´ε')

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


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Transmigration : Avenging The Good For Nothing जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें