We'll Always Have Bourbon Street 4x08

Start from the beginning

"I'm assuming this is for Caroline." Bonnie says holding up a blood bag.  Caroline reaches out for it, but Elena grabs it before she can.

"Actually, it's for me." Elena says. Bonnie, Caroline and I exchange a glance, our faces surprised.

"I thought --" Caroline started.

"Since when-" I say.

"Oh. Are you saying that --" Bonnie starts. Elena drinks the blood bag and takes it out her mouth, showing us that she can now keep blood from a blood bag down.

"Thanks to Damon, I am now a functional dysfunctional vampire." Elena tells us.

"That's amazing." Bonnie says

"Uh, what do you mean 'thanks to Damon?'" I ask.

"Well, he suggested that I try it again. So I did and it worked. No more snatch, eat, erase." Elena answers.

"So where is my least-favorite Salvatore?" Care asks. Elena sits on the couch next to me and opposite of Caroline and Bonnie. She holds up her phone and reads the text message that she got.

"'Out with Stefan for the night, don't wait up. Brother bonding.'" Elena reads out loud.

"Hm, so you guys check-in text now? What else do you do?" Caroline asks and the tension in room is thick.

"I know that you're not the biggest fan, but he kind of just changed my life. Would you mind laying off on all the hate?" Elena says.

"OK, new girls' night rule -- no boy talk, yeah? Plus, why talk when we have this?" Bonnie speaks up trying to defuse the tension. She holds up a bag full of a black herb.

"Is that stoner tea?!" Care asks stunned.

"It's spirit tea. It opens up your chi, or whatever." Bonnie explains.

"From which you get stoned." I say.

"Come on, it's not drugs! Shane is helping me do natural magic without having to access the spirits."

"Mm-hmm." Care says.

"Don't judge." Bonnie says. "Either of you."

"OK, fine! I hereby vow not to be judgmental for the rest of the evening! Even if you two are potentially ruining your lives as I stand idly by, it's your choice." Caroline says.

"I'll drink to that." Elena stands up.  Bonnie, Caroline and I hold up our wine bottles while Elena touched our glasses with her blood bag. "Cheers"


Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and I  were partying. We were dancing and drinking while Bonnie was capturing it all on her phone.

Elena poured another glass of champagne for herself, but when she realized the bottle was empty, she used her super speed and went into the dining room, stood on the table, and grabbed another bottle of champagne.

Caroline, Bonnie and I cheered for her as she vamp sped back into the room and popped the  the new champagne bottle open. She poured herself another glass and we all hugged each other and fell on the couch.


Somehow we found ourselves in Damon's bathroom. Elena is laying in the empty tub while Bonnie, Care and I are sitting next to tub on the floor. "Check this out: Vamp-speed video." Bonnie shows us a video she filmed of Elena vamp speeding.

"I look like Superman. Watch this." Elena says and she pauses the video at the point where she is super speeding back into the room. The capture shows a giant blur behind her due to the speed at which she is running. "This year's Christmas card." We all laugh. "Being a vampire is so weird. Oh my God, I love this bathtub. Why don't we come and hang out here more often?"

"I'll tell you why. Cooties. Think of all the germ-ridden skanks that Damon has lured into his den of enequity." Care says. Caroline giggles. Elena sits up in the bath tub and does not look amused. Bonnie and I also don't look amused by Caroline's attempt at a joke. "Okay, I'm sorry. I've been good all night. I am stopping now." Care apologizes.

" No, don't stop on my account. Rip away. I mean, it's only Damon, right?" Elena says sarcastically.

"Well, say what you want about Ripper Stefan, but at least he wasn't a man slut."

"Come on."

"So, what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you met him?" Elena says and I look at her in disbelief.

"Okay Elena, that's enough. Yes, Care slept with him, but only once when she wanted, the rest of it was abuse. Yes, I want you and Damon together but that doesn't erase all the bad things he did. He abused Caroline and nothing can change what he did to her. As her friend you shouldn't judge her, you should support her." I tell Elena.

"I didn't know what a sociopathic narcissist he was." Caroline tells Elena after I finish talking.

"He's always been there for me when I needed him." Elena defends him.

"Yeah, because he's hoping you'll sleep with him." Care throws back.

"Well, maybe I did." Elena snaps and we all look at her with shocked expressions on our faces.

"You did what?!" Care exclaims.

"You didn't." Bonnie says.

"Yeah, I did." Elena admits. "Look, I know you two have issues with him, but I'm happy, and I wanted to spend tonight with my best friends and sister so that I could tell them about it."

Caroline doesn't say anything she just turns towards me and says. "Can't you put some sense into your sister?"

"Care, it's her decision if she wants to be with Damon and plus I was kind of rooting for them to get together." I says. "And Elena I'm happy for you and everything would be great if it wasn't for situation we were in." I say referring to Elena being sired to Damon as 'situation'."

"You can't be serious." Care says looking at me in disbelief.

"Yes, I am. And I can't exactly say anything, I mean I'm dating Nik-" I cut myself off, knowing what I just accidentally told Bonnie and Elena. They look at me with shock written all over their faces and their eyes wide.

"WHAT?!" They yell at the same time.

"Your dating Klaus." Elena says in disbelief.

"Since when?" Bonnie asks.

"Well we kind of slept together after he got out Ty's body and after that I agreed to date him." I tell them.

"Why don't you look shocked?" Bonnie asks Caroline.

"I already kind of knew." Care admits.

"Since when?" Elena asks.

"I told her the day Connor had Matt, April and Jer as hostages at the grill." I tell her. "Look, I know Nik is not your favorite. But I love him, I really do. It's different than with any guy before, I really love him. He makes me happy and I really hope that with time you will be able to except that." I stand up getting ready to leave. "I'll go now and let you guys process this. We can talk tomorrow after we all sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, bye." I tell them and leave to go home.

When I arrive home I say quick hello to Jeremy and Matt who are in living room playing video games before going to my room to sleep.

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