
Jisung had been calling Jungkook's phone. He needed the alpha's help to bail him out of jail. But Jungkook turned off his phone. Jisung pulled his hair in frustration.

"Mr. Han Jisung, you're only allowed one phone call." The police officer glared at him.

"I can't reach the person I first called. Let me at least call my parents, so they can get me a lawyer." Jisung talked back.

The police officer rolled his eyes at him. "Whatever, but it will be the last call I'll allow you. Don't test my patience, you're a prisoner here, not a prince!"

Jisung dialed his mom's number. Jiyong picked it up after two rings. "Oh, Jisung how was the party? Was it as grand as they said it will be? And who's the new CEO of the Kim's Group? I'm so envious of him. He will be the head of the number one company in SK."

Jisung groaned. "Mom, will you let me speak first? I'm in big trouble. Why didn't you tell me that my bastard cousin is the son of Kim Taeseok?"

"Son of who? Am I hearing it right? Taehyung is the son of the richest man in our country? Wow!" Jiyong can't believe what her son was telling her.

"Yes, and I'm at the police station because they had me arrested for stalking and defamation. I need a lawyer to get me out of here." Jisung irritatingly answered.

"If I had known that the loser's father is a billionaire I would have been nice to him. Who would have thought his naive mother could seduce someone like Kim Taeseok?" Her greed was making her regret mistreating Taehyung. "Wait, why are you calling me to get you a lawyer, where is your billionaire puppy?"

"I can't reach him! I don't know what happened to him."

"You should push your wedding as early as possible or you might lose him to Taehyung, since they're now both rich and powerful." Jiyong warned him.

"Not on my watch! Jungkook is mine. I will kill anyone who will try to snatch him from me! Now hurry, get me a lawyer, so I can go home. I can't sleep in the dingy prison."

"Hey, your time is up. Give me your phone." The police officer took the phone from him.


Taehyung and Yoongi arrived at the mansion. The omega didn't say a word as they drove home. Yoongi knows his cousin still has feelings for Jungkook. That's what happened when a wolf was imprinted. It's like sowing a seed of love into the omega's heart. Then it grows as they live together. It's not easy to wipe that kind of feeling. "Tae, can you go ahead inside? I'll just call a friend of mine."

"Ok, hyung don't be long Tae-ju will look for you." Taehyung got out of the car and headed inside.

Yoongi dialed his phone and called Captain Yoo from the police station where Jisung is held. "Hello chingu, it's me. I have a favor to ask. There's a male omega named Han Jisung that was arrested and brought to your station. I want you to put him in the cell where the most vicious omegas are. I want to teach him a lesson for messing with my cousin."

"No problem chingu. Consider it done." Captain Yoo answered on the phone.

"I'll send you the latest Ducati model this week as a thank you gift."

"Chingu, you don't need to give me anything." Captain Yoo replied.

"Are you rejecting a Ducati?" Yoongi joked.

"Alright if you insist, then I'll take it. I know you get mad when you don't get to spend your money" Captain Yoo teased back. They ended the call.

Yoongi made another call. This time with Jaewook. "Jaewook, send the photos and video of Lee Dowon and Jisung to the cockroach's father-in-law. I hate cheaters, he should be punished." He hung up.

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