Together again

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Wednesday March 13th

Me and Cali been chilling still on some friend type shit: we haven't pushed to have sex again after the first time which I didn't mind

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Me and Cali been chilling still on some friend type shit: we haven't pushed to have sex again after the first time which I didn't mind. I'd rather keep the friendship going than having it ruined by temptation.

"Wyllo?" I heard a voice calm out from behind. It was lunch time and I'm tryna go eat. I don't play about my food. Everyone knows this.

"That's me" I answered sarcastically turning around and being greeted by Marisol.

"Can you not do this right now?" She huffed while whining.

"Say what you gotta say I got shit to do" I spoke sucking my teeth. I just might bite the bitch forehead if she say the wrong thing.

"We need to talk"

"Now ain't the time" I declined.

"You got 30 minutes for lunch. What's 5 minutes of that time?" She persuaded me.

"You got 2 minutes so you better talk fast"

"Can we go somewhere quieter?" She insisted. By that time her 2 minutes will be up.

"No. Times ticking you got 1 minute and 30 seconds"

"Maybe we should just talk after school" she sighed with a pout.

"Come on Marisol what you got to say. You're blowing me"

"Let's go to the library" she smiled.

The way this is going I'm Rey just have Taz bring me lunch because I'm damn sure not gonna be able to eat anything. Me and Marisol walked down to the library signing ourselves in so we could talk. Of all places she picks the library.

"I want to start off by saying I'm sorry. I didn't think anything of what happened and I didn't know that accepting a Valentine's Day gift would be considered cheating. I've never experienced it so I thought everyone gifts someone something. If I would have known what it really meant I wouldn't have took it."she apologized with a puppy dog eyes. I don't even let scar look at me like that. I don't believe the bitch at all.

"So you ain't never had a valentine? How tf you ain't know if you have a boyfriend you're not supposed to take a gift from another nigga?" I questioned giving her a wtf look.

"It was my first time celebrating Valentine's Day I swear I didn't know. And About me ignoring you and everything, I was just in my feelings about my documentation. The process is taking so long and they denied me so my brother had to go through the process again and it's been real stressful" she sighed taking in a deep breath. Tread lightly bitch.

"Why didn't you just say that? Shit wouldn't have went the way it did if you would have just told me"

"I didn't feel like hearing you crack jokes about something serious. You don't take anything serious Wyllo and I didn't want to feel more hurt about it then I already did"

My bestfriends sister (part2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora