Act right

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Wyllo (17)
Tuesday November 21st

Since I've been back from vacation shit has not been right between me and Marisol

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Since I've been back from vacation shit has not been right between me and Marisol. She always wants to argue she always got an attitude there's always an excuse on why she can't do something or come over so I'm confused as to wtf to do. The old me would have dropped her ass the first argument that came out her mouth.

"How was your day?" I asked looking down at my phone screen. We didn't have class together today and I rarely seen her in school.Marisol had an attitude as soon as she answered the phone.

" it was like any other day" she scoffed.

"Mcht call me back later when you're done having an attitude" I huffed and hung up. Bitch pissing me off.

Me being me I went to go bother Taliece to make me feel better but when I walked into her room she was crying. I tried to tiptoe back out her room but she had already looked up and caught me.

"What do you want?" She cried mugging me. Damn I ain't even do nun yet.

"I was just coming to bother you but I see now isn't the time"

" oh" she sighed.

Maybe I should care just a little bit. "What wrong?" I asked taking a seat at the edge of her bed.

"I'm pregnant and I'm not ready to be a mom" she sniffled. Damn and I thought she was getting fat.

"Does Mookie know?" I asked.

"Yea. We went to the doctors not to long ago and I'm already 4 months" she cried wiping her face.

"It's Taz isn't it?" I asked. I already knew what they had going on but it wasn't none of my business so I didn't say anything about it.

"How did you know?" She gasped.

"I've always knew especially after that falling out you guys had. I just minded my business because it wasn't my business. Who am I to judge?" I shrugged.

"You're very judgmental"

"Yea when I'm being childish but on some serious shit I don't judge. Yea it may seem fucked up but you can't control who you have feelings for it sucks that you got stuck with a demon seed but it is what it is." I sympathized with her. Im happy as shit to be getting a niece or nephew. I hope she has a boy so I can torment him.

"You got this. If no one has your back you know I do. Even though I don't like you I always got your back"

"I know" she smiled. " sometimes I love and appreciate you" she said hugging me.

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