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Tally (19)
Tuesday March 5th

Since me and cash stopped associating it's been weird when he comes around

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Since me and cash stopped associating it's been weird when he comes around. I know it's because of his friendship with Taz and Mookie but like I can feel the weird energy. I can tell he wants to talk but doesn't know how to approach so the mf did it through text.



Uh hello... I'm in the house

Can I swing by so we can talk?

For what?

Shit is weird and I wanna break the ice


Come outside

I scrunched my face up at the phone and went to go look on the ring camera seeing his car was indeed parked outside. What if I had said no I don't wanna talk what was he gonna do then? Leave? Stay and come in my house? Tf be wrong with people these days?? I got up from my bed and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt with my crocs and headed outside. My back hurting and I can barely take 2 steps without being out of breath. Now I feel like mar.

"Hello" I greeted opening the passenger side door and getting in his car.

"Wassup" he nodded.

"Sooo... what did you want to talk about?" I asked awkwardly. Y'all I gotta admit this joy is kind of fine. I said kind of though so don't quote me.

"I feel like I made shit weird and uncomfortable. I wanted to apologize on the way I acted the last time we talked. I had no reason to be mad or dismiss you like that. I was in my feelings not gonna lie, I was, but it is what it is."  He apologized rubbing his hands together nervously.

"I appreciate that. We can still be cool cash. Just because you had feelings for me doesn't mean we can't" I shrugged.

"I know." He nodded licking his lips. "How do you like being pregnant?" He asked.

"I'm ready for him to come out. I'm tired, out of breath, I'm always hungry and I'm always peeing." I complained rubbing my belly. I liked the idea of carrying a child but for 9 months?? Crazy. " can I ask you something?"

"Wassup?" He nodded.

" what happened between you and dime? I know a little about the situation from the party when I first met yall but like what really happened?" I reiterated. I'm wanna know where his feelings developed and why me?

My bestfriends sister (part2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora