Expect the unexpected

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Taliece (19)
Monday November 13th

Taliece (19)Monday November 13th

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

We are now back from vacation. We went straight to Disney after we got off the cruise and Taz kept giving marsh laxative which kept her in the air bnb. We were chilling at the park together. He bought me a whole bunch of shit, I felt like a big ass kid at them Disney stores but I'm back to reality in Virginia.

"Soooo how was the vacation?" Jay asked.

"Minus marsh being a fucking pain in the ass and a bitch and me being sea sick the entire time we were on the boat the cruise was cool but I enjoyed being at Disney more" I replied. I had a good ole time.

"That's good that's good. I'm tryna be like ya'll"

"Ask your sugar daddy" I joked. I thought him and his sugar daddy were a thing anymore.

"Girl no. His baby momma gonna text me all like some I'm coming to you as a woman. If only she knew" he laughed and I was gagged cuz what?

"Omg Jay"

"I played it cool though when I could have outed him" he nodded.

"Bye" I laughed off.

"You should take a pregnancy test with me" he grinned. It's always something with this boy.

"What? Jay you can't get pregnant"

"I know but I just want to know how if feels to take a pregnancy test. Imma make it a YouTube video" he cheesed with his corny ass.

"So that means I gotta go to the store and buy test?"

"Nope I already got them" he said pulling out 2 clear blues.

"You so damn erky"

Jay pulled out his phone camera doing his intro or whatever so we could get the video started. He went first and I went after him. I'm so damn confident in this moment.

"Ok yall it's been 5 minutes let's see what this test hitting for" he said into the phone.

"Jay you can't get pregnant" I huffed. This is fucking ridiculous.

"I know but like I'm still scared and I'm being dead ass serious" he huffed out of breath gripping his chest like he was having a heart attack.

Jay flipped over the test giving me mixed signals with his facial expressions. He better open his mouth quick before I go belly flop down a flight of steps.

"BITCH" he gasped. My heart dropped.

"Omg you can get pregnant" I asked in shock. My dumb ass.

"Girl boo this shit says negative" he frowned. He stay fucking playing and giving unnecessary amount of suspense.

"For both?" I asked.

"Yup. Aren't you happy?"

"Uh yea but can we go now? I got a doctors appointment and you playing" I nodded.

My bestfriends sister (part2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ