Chapter 47

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Chloe's POV:

"Chloe we need to talk." The first thing Luna said when she came back from work. Not a good sign.

I was sitting in the living room on the couch, I opened my arms for her so she can cuddle me.

She came towards me and pulled me on her lap as I put my legs on each side of her. I hugged her neck and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"What is it, baby." I said with the my most cute voice I could pull, so she'll feel bad if I did something bad.

"Euhm, I euh have to go work." She said avoiding my eyes while I pulled away.

"I know you're a working woman, what that has to do with me?"

"Yeah the thing is..." She trailed off chuckling lightly while rubbing her neck. "I have to fly away for a while."



"Where to??"

"Paris." My eyes widened and I could feel my eyes water at her statement.

I never lived a day with Luna away from me, and her leaving crushed my soul.

"Don't cry my love, it won't be for a while." She said wiping my tears away.

"How many days?"

"A month."


"We can call everyday don't you worry."

"When are you leaving?" If she says a week I'm going to kill her, I need time to tell her goodbye.



Even a week sounds better than tomorrow.

"I just got informed from Jane that I'm leaving tomorrow, it was a shock for me too."

I could feel my heart cracking inside of me, what should I do now. I don't want her to leave and I can't tell her to stay because it's her job.

"Let's go for a date?" I asked in a hopeful tone, please say yes. Please say yes!!!

"Of course, where to?" YES!!!

"I don't know, we can do whatever you want."

"Do you want to go watch the sunset? Then we can go to my forest house and chill there. Also we can buy some snacks and watch a movie."

"Is that what you want?"

"Anywhere is nice with your presence my love. If you don't like the plan we can do something else."

"No, lemme change my clothes. You too, change that suit even though you look pretty hot in it." She smirked and pulled my face towards her.

She took my lips and crashed them into hers.

"I'd much rather stay here and do you all day all night." She whispered while pulling away then kissed me again.

I giggled and jumped away from her, we can do that later.

"No baby, I wanna change." She pouted and rolled her eyes, then she got up to walk upstairs. I followed close behind.

I really want to enjoy our date today and forget about her leaving tomorrow. But I just can't wrap my head around the fact that she's literally going away.

And also the fact that she'll be away on our one year anniversary.

I know, time flies.

In a couple of weeks it'll be our one year together, my career is going pretty well right now. I'm getting known everywhere, paparazzi is always around me even though I try to avoid them at all cost.

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