Chapter 32

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Chloe's POV:


My song is everywhere now. Everyone is talking about it. And all that in just 3 days.

Me and Luna are still at her house by the lake, our phone have been blowing up since forever and we're ignoring them.

We're just trying to enjoy our little alone time, doing nothing but kissing.

We were now laying in her bed, cuddling.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her while drawing invisible circles on her abs.


"About your scars." She took a deep breath nodding her head. "Hey if you don't want to let's do something else."

"No, we were going to have this conversation sooner or later."

"Okay, so where did they come from?"

"My dad died when I was 15, maybe. No one acted normal ever since. My sister tried her best to heal, my brother ran away somewhere and came back after a year or so. And I got a short temper, started doing illegal stuff and all."

She was staring at the ceiling and I could feel her heart beat getting faster.

"My dad was my everything, and I lost him. So I lost everything. I went silent for 2 whole years, I didn't speak to anyone unless I was spoken to. And my response were always short."

She paused for moment maybe thinking if she should continue.

"Mom got a boyfriend when I turned 17, she introduced us to him on my birthday thinking it was a 'birthday present'. Since then my life turned completely hell."

"If you don't want to continue that's fine Luna. Don't push yourself." She shook her head kissing on top of my head. She sighed and continued.

"He started living with us right away, he thought that he was the man of the house until I completely went out on him. Calling him names and I even tried to hit him. But I was just a teenager, he got mad and started throwing shit at me."

She went silent for a whole minute and I gave her some time.

"He smashed my head into the widow causing that scar on my face. He threw me on the glass table causing the scars on my back. He hit me until I got unconscious. When I woke up I was in the same spot, my mom sitting on the couch looking down at me in disgust."

"I was naked Chloe."

I sat up, looking down at Luna as she continued staring at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact.

"She told me it's better for me to move out and don't come back cause he's the one making her happy after dad passed away. He followed me into my room, I was still bloody and half naked, he pushed me in my face until I passed out again. And then when I woke up, I showered packed my stuff and left."

"Holy shit Luna I'm so sorry."

"You know what funny?" She said laughing bitterly.

"What?" I asked in hesitation.

"When I started working on myself, I got into fighting illegally then I stopped and opened my small company, I started getting more famous and richer. She called me up and told me she wanted to meet up, I got excited thinking mom finally came back. But she just wanted money cause she basically 'raised me'. "

"I gave her money, but then they ran out again and she came back crawling for more. When I refused she called me names and the fucker she calls her boyfriend came out of his hiding spot ready to beat me up. He went to the hospital that day."

She sat up still not looking at me, I put my hands on her cheeks and forced her eyes to meet mine.

I pulled into my chest, she hugged tighter than she ever did before.

"That's why I don't sleep well, Chloe. He's always fucking up my sleep."

And then all of sudden I heard something I've never in my life expected to hear.

Luna was crying.

"Shh baby I got you."

"I fucking hate them Chloe. They ruined my life." She said between sobs.

I didn't know what to do, so I held her and kissed her forehead.

"What did I do to deserve all of this?"

"It's not your fault Luna."

"It is. If I didn't talk to him that day I'd have been living a normal life."

"Luna baby. It's not your fault your mom's boyfriend is a fucking asshole."

"That's the first time I hear you cuss." She said laughing softly.

"Not the time."

She pulled away looking at my eyes. Her beautiful green eyes fulled with tears making them shine.

She pecked my lips, I smiled at her kissing her.

"Can we just cuddle for the rest of our lives?" She said pulling me back down with her to our cuddle position.


My phone rang, making me jump. Why so loud man.

I took my phone out of the dresser to look at the name. It was Maddy.

"Why's Maddy calling me? That's new." I said looking at Luna.

"Maybe it's important, answer." So I did just that.

"BITCH WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU." She yelled through the phone.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER WE'RE WORRIED SICK." A male voice jumped in. I guess it's Carlos.


"Oh well hello guys. I'm okay what about yall?" I said sarcastically.

"Not the time, where are you we're worried sick. Even Luna's not answering her phone." This was Maddy.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah we just wanted to celebrate your song hitting but you were nowhere to be found."

"Oh I'm sorry guys, I'm with Luna right now. I'll talk on the group chat so we can hang."

"Are yall fucking?" Carlos jumped back in.

"Wait that's a good theory, why haven't I thought about it." Emma joined him.

"GUYS, no no one is fucking no one. I'll explain when I get back home." This made Luna smirk at me.

"Jeez okay okay. Don't keep us waiting im inpatient."

"Bye bitches." I said before hanging up.

Luna started getting closer to me. "About the fucking part?" I pushed her face away gently with my hand.

"Stop it Luna." I said getting up trying to hide the blush on my face.

"Wanna go back?"


"Anything for you, get ready."

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