Chapter 9

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Tw: mention of abuse and SA!!!!!

Chloe's POV:


Walking back home after school is just torture.
I hate walking.

I arrived to what I call home, looking at the empty parking space my brother left after leaving this hell. I don't blame him. But I really wanted to run away with him.

But he's just an 18 years old boy who barely can take care of himself. I just miss him...alot.

Getting closer to the door I could hear yelling and breaking. Probably my mom yelling at dad to stop drinking and dad shattering the empty bottle of alcohol on the floor to scare her away. The usual.

Maybe I should just go on another walk, I'll wait for them to calm down. Or not. I'm so tired I just wanna sleep the rest of the day off.

I unlocked the front door, and I was met with very angry looking parents. Mom just rolled her eyes at me and went to probably the kitchen. She blames me for my brother leaving home. Even though everyone knows it's their fault not mine.

Dad looked drunk, really drunk. He looked at me smirking. I ignored both of them and went upstairs to my room.

I was getting undressed to wear something comfier for my nap, when I heard the bedroom door open and close. Then a locking sound?

I turned around, and I was faced with dad with the same smirk he had on his face when I first arrived.

He started getting closer to me, every step he took forward l took one backwards till my back hit the wall.

"You're getting prettier everyday, C." I cringed at the nickname, my brother gave that to me.

He was still getting closer.

His face is now inches away from mine and I could smell all the alcohol and cigarettes he consumed today.

"So beautiful." He whispered in my ears before pushing me on my bed.


I screamed, kicked, and did everything I could but nothing helped.


"STOP IT PLEASE STOP!" I woke screaming, sweating.

I can't breathe, I got out of bed trying to go to the bathroom but I just fell on the ground. I couldn't move, it's like I was trapped. I pulled my knees towards my chest and I buried my face there, trying to breathe.

I struggled with breathing, it feels like I'm dying. What if am I really dying.

I couldn't control the tears that were running down my face.

Suddenly, I felt someone sitting beside me on the floor. I couldn't look up. I'm trapped here. Trapped in my disgusting past, that can't seem to run away from.

Then I felt someone pushing my head into something soft, and warm arms were wrapped around me.

I focused on the person's breathing. It was a bit fast, like they're scared, or nervous.

Then I focused on the circles that were being drawn on my back. And like that my breathing went normal again. I'm still crying.

"It's okay." A soft voice said. "You're going to be okay." Sounds angelic. "I'm here".

I tried to move away from that person, I don't who that is. It's like my brain stopped working.

I looked up and and very concerned looking Luna was looking down at me.

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