Chapter 40

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Chloe's POV:

I woke up looking around, then all the memories of last night came crashing on me.

The best night ever.

Luna wasn't sleeping by my side, I panicked thinking she left. I ran out the room, I spotted her in the kitchen cooking. I sighed in relief, I shouldn't doubt her.

"As much as I like seeing you naked, you gotta wear something it's cold." She said smirking while looking me up and down.

I looked at myself and realized I was naked, my face became hot as I ran back to the room with Luna laughing at me.

I took a quick shower, and wore Luna's shorts and a sweater.

"Sorry about earlier." I told her walking in the kitchen again with my head down.

"Don't apologize, I want to look at you forever baby. But it's freezing right now." She put her fingers on my chin making me face her, she smiled down at me and pecked my lips.

"I'm starving." She laughed as she put a plate of pancake in front of me.

"I'm going outside to get us some wood."

"First if all how many days are you planning on staying here, and second of all come eat."

"First of all whenever you want we can go back, and second of all I'm not hungry." She said mocking me.

"You have to eat come here."

"All the eating last night, I'm stuffed." This made me blush and look down, Luna laughed softly while kissing my temple.

"You wanna go back?"

"I don't know. You know people are asking for more music, I'm getting known Luna!" I said squealing.

She smiled, "I'm proud of you, I knew you're going to make it."

"It's all because of you."

"No I did nothing, you did." She said sitting back down beside me.

I took some pancakes in my fork and I put in front of Luna's mouth. She faced away looking at the table, and she looked sad.

" can trust me you know?" I asked her, I'm really worried about her.

"I know, it's just..."

"Just what? You can talk to me."

"I euh..used to euhm struggle with ED." She said still avoiding eye contact, I smiled softly at her confession. I knew there was something, my poor baby.

"Any reasons?"

"I was kind of over weight growing up, my mom and my siblings used to make fun of me. Cause as they said 'I was the fattest in the family' so I stopped eating."

"Im sorry baby y-"

"I used to starve myself even when I became thin, it wasn't enough for me. And when my mom's boyfriend came around it got worst. And also when I got kicked out, being on the street for a while helped with it growing."

"I can help you my love. If you're willing to of course."

"I'm okay don't worry about it. The funny thing is when I started losing weight mom got worried cause she knew what's up. You know it made me feel amazing, like seeing her begging me to eat after years of bullying is something that really made me happy."

She said laughing bitterly.

" You ever considered therapy? I know it sounds bad but it can help a lot. You really are struggling with bunch of stuff."

"You being on my side is enough for me, Chloe. I'm not even talking just to talk, I mean it." I smiled up at her and pulled her to my chest. She just layed there for probably 10 minutes, drawing invisible circles on my back.

"You wanna go to therapy with me?" She asked out of the blue catching me by surprise.


"You and I definitely need therapy." I smacked her on her head playfully, but deep down I know that she's right.

I always wanted to try therapy, but it was expensive and I'm broke.

"Stop thinking about it baby, we'll go together. Yeah?"

"Yeah." She smiled kissing my lips.

She stood up picking me and putting me on the counter, I wrapped my legs around her waist as I pulled her closer.

"Can I?" She asked turning me on more than I was turned on before.

"Yeah." I breathed out trying to not collapse, I'm glad she didn't notice that I was struggling to walk earlier. She wouldn't let me live it down.

She took my shorts and my panties off, and then my shirt, so I was sitting naked on the kitchen counter.

She stepped closer taking my lips into hers, passionately.

She went down with the kisses to my neck nibbling and licking, then down to my chest taking one of my boob in her mouth.

She worked on my chest while her other hand traveled down to my waist then to my front.

She teased my center making me go crazy, I became a moaning mess as I pulled her face closer to me.

She inserted one finger in me, then the next.

"FuCk Luna."

"You're doing a great job Chloe. Good girl." She praised while pumping her fingers in and out of me.

"Go faster Luna, FUCK, please."

"Beg some more." She whispered in my neck while biting me there.

"Lunaaaa." I moaned loudly.

"Beg me to fuck you Chloe." She said curling her fingers inside of me.

"FUCK, Please Luna please I'm begging go faster."

"Good girl." She said as she went faster and faster. "Come for me." And I did.

She helped me ride out my climax. She pulled her finger out of me and shoved her fingers inside my mouth.

"Keep eye contact like a good girl while sucking my finger, Chloe." so I looked at her as she smirked.

She then pulled her fingers out, kissed me and she groaned as she tasted me on my lips.

"I love it when you scream my name." She said pecking my lips.

"Shut up." I whispered burying my face into her neck to hide my red face.

"Come on let's shower." She picked picked me up with my legs around her waist.


"Anything for you."

And we did not just shower.

Lemme tell you, I can't even walk like a normal human being now. Thanks to Luna.

A/n: I tried😔😔

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