Chapter 8

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Chloe's POV:

One thing about Luna is that she's such a neat freak.
Everything should be perfect. Shes always cleaning.

Whatever she does she'll do it carefully.

I was walking out of my room, then I noticed a closed door. Since when that was here?

I tried opening it but it wasn't budging.

I went downstairs to see where Luna is. It's a sunday, we both have no work today. I saw her sitting on the couch, focused on her leptop. If she wasn't at work she'll be on her leptop, this girl is always working.

"Hey roomie, can I ask you something?" She looked up at me and raised one eyebrow.

Ever since the hug she has been more distant. She's always been distant but it got worse after that night. We never spoke about it, I didn't want to make it more awkward and she'll definitely not talk.

"There's a room upstairs I've never noticed before with the door locked, what's inside?"


"You're lying to me." I told her playfully with a huge smile on my face. She obviously doesn't wanna say what's inside.

She then got up, put her shoes on and left.

But this time, she didn't take the big black car. She was turning on the bike, well I can hear how loud it is.

I went outside and yelled "Be careful!!"
She just looked at me and drove away.

I really hope she drives carefully.

I entered the kitchen hunting for food, to my surprise there's already food on the counter with a sticky note next to it that says "heat it up before you eat"

I smiled at this, she's really just a big teddy bear.

The door bell rang while I was heating the food in the microwave. And then shouting, Kate is here I guess.

I opened the door for her and she engulfed me with a big hug. "HELLO THERE!" Always so energetic, I love that about her. "How's my favorite girl doing?" She smiled at me and then she said "Also where's Luna at, she's not responding to any of my texts, or my calls."

"She went on her bike and drove away." She looked confused.

"Hmm, She's probably at the club."

"At 4pm?"

"There's not really a time for drinking in Luna's dictionary." I frowned at that. She really went drinking? Is it my fault? Did I say something that upset her? What if my presence is upsetting her.
"Wanna go?" She asked.

"Where to?"

"THA CLUB BABY!" I cringed at her loud voice. "Come on, come on we'll just go check up on her and maybe have a lil drink." She said smirking at me.

She basically pushed me out the door into her car. Well I do wanna check on Luna but maybe not like that. I don't think she'll appreciate me following her, I'm literally always around her, maybe she needs some time away from me.

"Kate, that's a bad idea".

"You worry too much, Chloe. If anything happens I'll take the blame don't worry."

We arrived at what looked like a club, we walked in. And my eyes instantly fell on Luna who was surrounded by not one, or two, or three, but FOUR women. This made me feel something, I'm not sure what that feeling was. I tried to bury it deep down and not let it show.

Luna wasn't really talking, nor touching any of them. But she didn't look uncomfortable either.

One of the girls pulled Luna by the hem of her hoodie, to I think the car or something. But luna's eyes fell on mine, she furrowed her eyebrows.

She pushed the other girl away and walked towards us. "What are you doing here?" She asked both of me and Kate, but it was obvious it was only meant for me.

Before I could answer Kate jumped in. "Well I wanted to take Chloe out for a change, didn't know you're gonna be here." She said obviously lying.

"Out of all places?" Luna asked.

"Ah come on its just a club girl."

Luna clenched her jaw, she was ready to say something but the girl next to her beat her to it.
"Let's go somewhere quiet baby."

Luna looked at her, then me. Something inside of me didn't want Luna to go with the girl, and I'm pretty sure Luna knew it. She just shook her head and went with her, without even looking back.

Kate was glaring at her friend's back, she then looked at me and grinned."Wanna drink?"

"I don't really drink."

"Come on let's go somewhere else, maybe the beach?" I nodded my head smiling at her. Why am I hanging out with luna's friend. Will she get upset?
"Chloe stop thinking about it." I looked at her and smiled again. And we were on our way.

I actually really like hanging out with Kate. The car ride to the beach was full of screaming songs out, and laughing.

We were now sitting on the sand looking at the waves. Watching the sun melts into the ocean. I've always dreamed about coming to watch to sunset with someone I love. But here I am with Kate.

It's not like I mind sitting with her, she's hella fun.

"Have you ever had your first kiss? You look too innocent." She said looking at me and then she turned her head towards the sunset again.

How am I going to answer that? Should I tell her it was forced? No of course not Chloe don't be stupid.

"Yeah you're right, I haven't kissed anyone at all. I'm saving it for someone special." I said smiling at her to cover the pain I'm feeling. The pain of not being able to experience having my first kiss like everyone. Every time I think about it I cry, like a kid.

We've been sitting here for a while without talking, just listening to the waves. It was peaceful.
"You know my first kiss was with a guy." Kate broke the silence without talking her eyes off of the sea.

"We were at this party, and I was still confused about my sexuality. He was drunk and he forced himself onto me. And since that day I just knew I like girls."
She said but now smiling.

"You've been with a girl before?" I asked her, she just nodded her head. "How is it like?"

She gave me a knowing smile before speaking "Soft. Loving. Girls are more gentle than men, they have softer lips, and obviously better in bed. But overall the love they give is real. Loving women is the best thing I ever did in my whole life."

Her talking like that made my heart go soft, she also under all that energy has a really soft side. Then my head started thinking about Luna, I'm sure she's like that. She has a soft personality, I wanna see it.

" Come on it's getting late let me drive you home."

We got up and got inside her car, we arrived to Luna's place and to my surprise her bike was parked outside. She's here?

I smiled at Kate. "Thank you really, I had a really great time."

"Of course bestie, I also had a great time with you. We should do it again."

We said our goodbyes and she drove away. I rang the bell, thanks God she's here or I'd be stuck outside in the cold.

Luna opened the door for me, and let me in.

Before I could go upstairs she handed me keys.
"Thank you, Luna. And I also wanna apologize if my presence annoyed today, I didn't mean to."

She nodded her head and glued her eyes again on her leptop. I sighed and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

And all that talking with Kate made me think about my past. All I could think of is why. Just why.

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