Happy Ending

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What if Aegon made it to Dragonstone the night he ran away?

What if he was never coronated as King and Rhaenyra inherited the throne and became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

What if Reina and Aegon got their happy ending?


The coronation is over. Everyone bent in front of Rhaenyra and her Prince Consort, Daemon.

"All hail Her Grace, Rhaenyra, First of her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." the Septon yelled.

The feast after her coronation was big, all the Lords and Ladies from Westeros were present, enjoying the music and the company of the Queen and her husband.

Aegon wore a big smile on his face, watching how his grandfather scowled at the whole ceremony. His plan failed and he was angry, Reina was sure Daemon will put him to sword after the feast.

Alicent wore a green dress, to spite the Queen, but she was smiling as well as she saw her childhood companion sitting the Iron Throne. She accepted the fact that Aegon was never born to rule.

"My love," Aegon took Reina's hand in his, kissing it softly, "Would you give me the honor to dance with me?"

The redhead smiled and nodded her head, letting him lead her towards the other dancing couples.

They laughed all night, enjoying each other’s company, drinking and dancing to the soft music.

Jacaerys did not miss the chance to invite Reina to a dance as well, even though Aegon was practically killing him with his look.


Days after, Reina gave birth to the twins, two sweet baby girls, one with red hair and one with silver hair. Aegon loved them both as much as he loved Aelon, who had got quite big in the past months. His face is chubby and he is starting to say some words.

Everyone forgot about the quarrels from the past and Aemond befriended Lucerys again, along with Aegon.

The men began to spend more time together, training in the yard or just hanging out, talking about every random thing.

Reina became friends with Baela and Rhaena, who were as sweet and friendly as her sister, Helaena. 

The four girls were almost inseparable, causing only troubles even though they were adults. Sneaking away with two full bottles of the finest wine from the cellar, drinking until they could not walk straight anymore was not a thing Princesses were supposed to do.

When Aegon saw Reina drunk for the first time, he got really scared. He thought someone did something to her, but relaxed when he heard her sweet voice telling him how much fun she had with her friends.

This did not happen often, most of the time they were sitting in one of their rooms or in the gardens, reading, braiding each other’s hair and teaching each other High Valyrian.

Queen Rhaenyra saw Reina more as a daughter, than as a sister-in-law.  The older woman liked the younger one, always helping her and giving her advise about the children. After all, she gave birth to five boys, and another baby was on his way. Hopefully, a beautiful daughter who she could call Visenya.

Jacaerys did not stop loving Reina, but when he got married to Baela he realised that the love held for his wife was stronger than the one he had for the redhead.

Alicent went in Oldtown, to be with her youngest son, Daeron. She wrote letters to her children every month, never forgetting about them.

Rhaenyra forgave her, understanding the effect her father had on her and allowed her to travel there. On the other hand, Otto Hightower was executed by Daemon himself, with Dark Sister.

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