Chapter 13

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When Aegon heard of the situation his wife had experienced, he got very angry and immediately seeks out his mother.

Once he finds her he shouts: "How did the chains break? Who was watching her? Where was her maidservant?"

"You should ask your wife, not me." Alicent replies calmly and she looks at Reina, who is sitting on the cushions with his sister.

When he sees her Aegon lets out a sigh of relief and runs a hand through his hair.

He looks at Reina and he can tell that she is shaken from the experience. His heart aches that this had happened to her but he realizes that he has no room to express his anger or disappointment. His mother is right, he has to speak to Reina rather than her and he also has to make sure that she is alright.

"You and me. We are going to talk, alone." he demands and takes Reina's hand, pulling her out of the room.

They enter their shared chambers glancing at the door making sure it had been shut. He turns his attention towards her. His eyebrows are knitted together in a frown, his face stern.

"I'm sorry." she says, not looking into his eyes.

His heart hurts when he sees the guilt and regret in her eyes and how her hands are fidgeting and her head is downcast. He is instantly filled with regret for acting stern and harsh towards her, as it is the last thing that she needed.

"I shouldn't have been there. I was just curious to see the dragons." she finishes her explanation.

He nods his head and his expression softens a bit. He bends down and cups her face with his hand, he slowly lifts her chin, wanting her to look at him when he speaks.

"Do not apologize. No one could have expected the chains to break. It was not your fault." he says softly, his tone now gentle and considerate.

"It was my idea, Heleana just came with me when I pleaded her to." she lies, putting the blame on her.

He sighs softly and he looks into her eyes, he can tell from her expression that she is not being truthful. He gently strokes her cheek.

"Well...she asked me if I wanted to see them after I told them it was my biggest dream when I was little. I said yes." she admits.

He continues to stroke her cheek affectionately and he says gently, "And then one thing led to another and you were suddenly alone with Sunfyre." he pauses and then raises a eyebrow, "Was that how it happened?"

"I wasn't alone with Sunfyre. Heleana was with me, with Dreamfyre." she says, looking down, guilty.

He raises his eyebrows in disbelief, "So, Heleana was with you the whole time, and you and her, two girls, were all alone, unsupervised, in the Dragonpit?"

"Yes. I'm sorry." she says, trying to remain calm.

His eyebrows drop back down, his voice growing less gentle and he speaks harshly, "You should not have gone there, the two of you! That was a dangerous place to venture off to."

"It won't happen again." she looks at him.

He sees the fear in her eyes and instantly his tone softens when he notices it. He notices how guilty she feels and he doesn't want to make her feel any worse than she does. He pulls her in closely and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a warm hug.

She accepts his hug. "He didn't hurt me. I am fine."

He continues to stroke her back softly and he holds her close, not wanting to let go of her. He is relieved that nothing bad had happened as a result of her visit to the Dragonpit, but he can't help but still feel that she had been unnecessarily put into a situation that could have resulted into something tragic happening. He leans in and kisses her on the forehead.

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