Chapter 8

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Reina is sitting in a quiet corner of the garden, deep in thought. She is trying to understand what just happened. She is trying to comprehend the events that occurred - her mother's death, Larys' attack, Alicent's plans. It is all a lot to absorb, but she is doing her best to make sense of it all.

The sound of footsteps on the path surprises Reina and alerts her. She looks up and sees Aegon walking towards her.

He stops in front of Reina, staring at the quiet girl before he speaks. He seems like he has something he needs to say. He looks at Reina with sadness in his eyes, as if he is truly sorry about what she has been through.

"Are you okay?" Aegon asks her. His voice is soft and gentle.

Reina nods, lying. She is far from okay. Her mother's death had destroyed her completely, the thought that she had lost the only person who loved her shattered her. Made her feel numb and believe life is not worth living anymore. Not when you don't have someone by your side. Someone to love you and to love.

Aegon looks at Reina for a few seconds, observing her; her body language and facial expression give him the impression that she isn't truly okay. He knows she is lying, that she isn't feeling fine. He can tell she is hurting but she is trying to hide it.

"Have you heard about your mother's plan?" Reina asks him, breaking the silence that fell upon them.

Aegon seems somewhat surprised by Reina's question, but he nods his head to affirm.

"She wants me to marry you. To make you my wife" he says.

"Do you want it?" fear engufles Reina along with concern. She doesn't want to pressure him into something he doesn't want. At least one of them deserves to choose their significant other.

Aegon stops for a few seconds before answering. What does he want? What does he truly feel about Reina? He's not entirely sure, but he knows that there is no point in making her wait for an answer. She needs to know where she stands.

"Yes," he says, his tone is more confident now. "I'll do it. I'll marry you."

"Do not lie. You don't have to to do it. You deserve to marry whoever you want to." she reassures him.

She can see that Aegon doesn't really wants to marry her. She only hopes that he hasn't been forced into this.

Because if he was, then she would be worse then Larys, worse than her father.

"I'm not lying," he says, sounding almost angry that she doesn't believe him. He doesn't like being seen as a liar, as a dishonest man. He wants Reina to believe that he is genuine.

"I want to do this," he says softly, looking directly into her eyes.

She nods, pretending to believe his words.

Maybe they are true...maybe someone wants her, maybe someone cared enough to save her from that cursed marriage.

Maybe it was him or maybe it was his mother.

He can sense her doubt and hesitance. He doesn't like it, so he walks over to her. He puts his hands on her face, to look her in the eyes, to truly see her. He is serious.

"I mean it," Aegon says firmly.

A voice interrupts them.

Larys. At the sound of his voice Reina tenses up and pushes Aegon far from her.

She fears that he had seen the way the Prince was holding her face and now close they were.

If she would say that she isn't afraid of him, she would be totally lying.

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