Chapter 1

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three years later, Reina is thirteen now, while Aegon is fifteen.

Reina stands next to her mother, holding her hand, watching Laena and Daemon's daughters cry in their grandmother's arms.

She looks around, delighted. Will she see a dragon today?

"Mother?" the girl asks, tugging at her mother's black dress. Lenora looked down at her daughter, nodding. Reina notices that her eyes are teary.

"Will I see dragons today?" asks the excited girl, to which her mother smiles and shrugs.

Reina returns in scanning the enclosure. She was watching Rhaenyra Targaryen. It's the first time she sees the princess, the heir to the Iron Throne. She looks thoughtful, probably sad about her cousin's death.

What catches her eye is not Rhaenyra, but the boy with silver hair and purple eyes. It's probably her brother or cousin. Is he her son?

Lenora sees her daughter staring intently at the young prince and whispers, "He is Rhaenyra's half-brother, Aegon. His mother is Alicent."

Reina's eyes widen and she nods.

Aegon's eyes travel around the room, he seems bored and uncomfortable in this social setting. He doesn't like attending funerals.

Then he sees the girl, the one who watches him with widen eyes, with bright red hair clutching her mother's hand.

Aegon can't miss the striking red hair, a striking red hair which almost looks, familiar, the girl's face is hidden from him, but he recognizes those curls and her small stature, and his curiosity is piqued. Aegon turns to look at the girl and her mother.

He doesn't know her name, the only thing he knows is that she is a Tyrell, because of the colour of her hair. Only the ones from House Tyrell can have this kind of hair. People call them witches, while he calls them unique.

Aegon notices the lady looking back at him and sees her smiling. He blushes a little, feeling slightly embarrassed for staring. He smiles back and waves at the child before looking away, looking at his family.


"The princes were supposed to be abed, my king!" one of the guards says.

Aemond, who Reina learned he is Rhaenyra's half-brother stole Vhagar, the dragon Rhaena was supposed to claim after her mother's death.

A fight broke between him, Baela, Rhaena and Rhaenyra's sons.

"Who had the watch?" The King asks, sightly angry.

"Young Prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace." a dornish knight speaks up.

"You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!" The King yells.

"I'm very sorry, Your Grace." the other guard says, looking sadly at the ground.

"That is no answer!"

"It will heal, will it not, maester?" His mother asks worried for her son's health.

"The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost, Your Grace." the maester says making Reina's eyes widen. She feels bad for Aemond, even if she doesn't understand the whole situation.

"Where were you?" Alicent turns to her other son, angrily.

"Me?" Aegon asks surprised. And then gasps when Alicent's hand collides with his cheek. "Ow. What was that for?" he exclaims.

"That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!" Alicent yells at him.

The door opens and Lord Corlys enters the room. "What is the meaning of this?" he asks. Reina's mother clutches her daughter's hand, thinking about leaving or not.

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