Chapter 7

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Two days. In two days, she won't be a Tyrell anymore.

In two days, she will be married to someone she hates, someone who also hates her. He only accepted this proposal because he is sure she will give him children. Heirs...and he won't be a disappointment to his father anymore. He will be better than his brother when he will have children...someone to continue the Strong's bloodline.

No one asked Reina if that is what she wants too...if that is the life she wanted. Of course she wants to be a mother. But not this soon...and not to his children.

Her mother is dead. A thought she couldn't accept. She still hopes it is all a nightmare. That she will wake up from it, in her Highgarden. And life would be normal again.

A knock on her chamber's door pulls her out of her thoughts. She stands up, straightening her dress as she does so, heading for the door.

Queen Alicent steps into the room, wearing one of her beautiful green dresses. In a way, she reminds Reina of her mother. Green was her favourite colour. She would have always wear something green.

She bows in front on her and asks, respectfully. "May I help you, Your Grace?"

Alicent takes ahold of her hand and guides her to the two armchairs that rests in the middle of the chamber.

"I shall talk with you. I have something important to say..." she says as she sits down.

"Is something wrong?" Reina asks her confused and at the same time concerned.

What could possible the Queen wants to tell her?

" is not. I have talked with my eldest son...and with my husband. And we have come to a conclusion. We have made a decision, one that I hope will please you as well" Alicent speaks, hoping that the girl will accept the change.

Reina nods, not knowing what to say. She is too worried about what could come next.

"I can help you annul the marriage between you and Larys." she says.

Reina's face lights up suddenly and asks, beaming. "What? How?"

"By talking with your father...but you will have to marry someone else...someone me and my husband thought you will like more." Alicent speaks slowly.

Reina's smile dissappears from her face. "Who...?" she asks, with a quiet voice.

Alicent takes a deep breath before saying. "Aegon."

The girl's face fills with confusion. And...hope glimmers in her eyes. Something the Queen cannot ignore.

"Aegon?" she asks again.

Alicent nods and sighs. "I know what I ask from you is something hard...and I also know by asking you this I make the same thing your father did. I am forcing you into an unwanted marriage."

"No...I'm confused. Did my father agreed to this?" Reina asks, hoping the answer she will receive will be an affirmative one.

"We haven't talked with him...yet. The King wanted to make sure this is something you would want...before he will present the offer to your father." Alicent explains.

"Yes." Reina says after some time.

"Yes...what?" the Queen is confused by her simple answer.

"I accept. I accept marrying Aegon...if that means I won't have to suffer my whole life because of Larys." she says.

Alicent smiles and takes her hand in hers. "I must assure dear. Aegon will treat you right. Aegon won't hurt you."

Reina nods at the assurance...but does not believe her words.

Would her life with Aegon be as miserable as it would have been with Larys?

Or would it be more miserable?

A/N: this chapter is a small one...but the story between Aegon and Reina kinda begins here. I hope  you enjoy the plot line and the characters. ❤️

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