Chapter 21

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"Reina, you cannot-" Aegon tried to convince her to not do it, but it was already too late. Reina left their quarters, locking her husband in them.

He bangs on the wooden door pulling at the doorknob, forcing the door to pry open. "Unlock the door!" he shouts, but she was already heading to the other part of the Keep, the one where Larys has his chambers.

As she walks confidently on the dark halls, only lighten by some candles, she cannot help the feel of dread that overcame her. Is she doing the right thing? Is she acting sane now, heading to kill a man who stole her mother from her?

She decided she is and continues walking, smiling, towards the rooms he lived in. Guards throw her weird and worried looks, but she does not even acknowledge them.

"Princess Reina." someone steps in front of her.

She looks up and meets the eyes of Criston Cole, the sworn guard of Queen Alicent. "What are you doing here, at this late hours? Are you alright? I have heard you have fainted today."

"I am fine, Ser Criston. I was just passing by, wanting to clear my mind." she fake smiles at him.

"Does your husband know you are here?" he asks again, raising a eyebrow at her.

"He does. How could I left without announcing him?" she replies, still smiling.

"Reina!" she turns around and sees Aegon running towards her, out of breath.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, disappointed he had managed to escape the locked room."Aegon." she nods at him, trying to act innocent in front of Criston.

"Cut the act!" he says harshly, grabbing her arm. "Where did you find her, Cole?"

"Just here. Walking on these corridors." the guard answers, confused by the whole moment. "She told me you knew she was here."

"Of course I knew she was here. Did she told you she locked me in our own chambers to come here?" he asks, glaring at his wife.

"No..." he shakes his head and bows, leaving the couple alone.

"Let me go." Reina orders him.

"You are coming with me, rather you want it or not!" he drags her forcefully back where they came from.

She pulls away, looking at him with anger and fury in her green eyes. "You do not have the right to treat me like this!"

"Do I not?" he asks, shouting.

"No! I can make the things I wish to do without you commanding it!"

"Yes. But not stupid things, stupid things that will make you suffer." he pushes her inside their chambers and kisses her roughly, pinning her against the door.

She puts the palms of her hands on his chest, showing him away from her body and lips.

"I am not one of your whores to treat me like this!" she grittes out, making him gasp.

"What do you mean?"

"You can treat Lillian like this. Oh, or have you forgot how flirty she was that day? Clearly there is something going on between the two of you!" she shouts.

"Stop being jealous. This is not about me nor Lillian. This is about your stupid idea of killing Larys!" he replies, angrier than ever.

"If you or that stupid guard did not interfered, he would have been dead by now!"

"And you would have been thrown in a cell by now!" he shakes her shoulders trying to bring her back to her senses. "Have you gone mad? What will happen with Aelon if you will be put in a dungeon? What will happen with me?" he yells.

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