Chapter 20

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When Aegon slammed the door to the Tower's Hand, his grandsire flinched.

"Aegon." he says, putting a hand over his heart. "What is the matter?"

"What is the matter? How dare you ask me this?" Aegon exclaimed, slamming his palms over his desk.

"Calm down, son."

"She could have died! She was terrified and you did not allow me to be by her side!" he shouts, knocking down a bottle of wine.

"She did not, did she?" Otto asks, looking straight into his grandson's eyes. "And now you have a son, an heir."

"That is all you care about! You do not care about any of us, only about that sick throne."

"Do you not?" the Hand asks, smirking.

"No! I do not wish to steal Rhaenyra's throne!" Aegon says, trying to contain his anger.

"That woman changed you, indeed." Otto nods. "For worse."

Aegon laughs at his comment and turns around, leaving his room.


He closed the door noisily, waking Reina up. She had been quite tired for the past few days, always sleeping or tending to Aelon.

"You scared me." she breathes out, resting against the pillows.

"Forgive me." he says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What happened?"

"My grandfather happened." he snaps, his tone harsh and angry.

Reina nods, not pushing the subject further seeing how furious her husband is.

He looks over at her and sees the worried look on her face. "I did not wish to snap at you, my rose." he leans forward, kissing her forehead.

"What did he do?"

"The day you gave birth to our son, he forced me to stay with him and Aemond, instead of staying by your side." Aegon explains, stroking her hair.

"But you were by my side." Reina replies, playing with the rings on his fingers.

"I was, indeed. But, after I practically begged him to let me go." he answers, anger rising through him once again.

"It does not matter anymore." she says, smiling.

"I am furious. I could have...I could have lost you." he sighs, tears filling his eyes.

"You did not, did you?" she chuckles.

"I did not." he smiles and kisses her gently on her lips. "I hope you know that I meant the words I have said back then."

Reina nods. "I know you did, so did I."

"Does Aelon want a sibling?" he laughs, kissing her again.

"Not this soon." she replies, kissing him back.


"Shh...we do not want to wake up mama. She will be angry at us." Aegon cooed at his little son, rocking him back and forth, trying to make him stop crying.

He runs a hand through his silver hair, not knowing what to do to calm down the newborn baby. He could not wake Reina up, she was too tired when she fell asleep.

"Maybe we should go to grandmother." he whispers, smiling at Aelon.

He leaves their chambers and makes his way towards Alicent's rooms, knowing she will be able to help him.

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