Chapter 12

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It had been a week since she married Aegon. Her father and brother had left King's Landing back to their home. It pained her to see her only family leave her behind, alone in a castle full of strangers and people who doesn't even care about her.

When he left, Marton Tyrell didn't look back. He didn't say a word to his daughter, only saying goodbye to the King. On the other hand, Alenor tried to talk again with his sister, but Aegon didn't let him near her after finding her crying at their wedding.

Reina wanted to talk for the last time to the person who was once her best friend, the one who meant everything to her when they were children.

She wanted to see if he would have apologised for the way he treated her, for the way he talked to her. She wanted to hear him say that he didn't mean the words he said and he still sees her as his sister. Somehow she is relieved Aegon didn't let him talk with her, because she is sure that she would have forgiven him in a moment.


Helaena has become one of the persons Reina enjoys talking to. She likes to listen to her talking about her favourite bugs and about how much she loves her dragon, Dreamfyre.

When the Targaryen girl heard Reina's biggest dream from when she was a little girl, she couldn't help but feel excited. She promised her that she would take her to the Dragonpit to fulfill her dream.

The wind blows through the young girls hair as they make their way to the Sept. Reina didn't believe her sister-in-law when she told her that their dragons were under that huge building.

"Come, Reina. I'm sure Dreamfyre will adore you." Helaena's words reassured the girl a little, but she was still nervous. What if the beast got angry and it will eat her? Or worse, it will burn her?

"Are you ready?" the silver haired girl asks with a smile, taking her hands in hers.

"Are you certain your dragon won't hurt me?" Reina asks, looking in her violet eyes.

"No dragon will hurt you, especially Dreamfyre. She is gentle, but I do believe you will be scared of the others." the girl chuckles.

"The others?" she asks, becoming confused. She thought she will only see her dragon.

"Um...yes. In the pit they are all the dragons. Almost...all the dragons." she says sheepishly "Even Sunfyre. Did Aegon told you about him?"

"Sunfyre?" Reina asks confused. Aegon hasn't told her about his dragon or any dragon at all. She shakes her head at the other girl.

"Oh. Sunfyre is Aegon's dragon. He's golden and he's the most beautiful dragon to ever exist, that's what they say. For me, Dreamfyre is the prettiest one." she smiles as she walks down the stairs through the pit.

"I understand. They will not hurt me, right?" she asks again, for reassurance.

"No, Reina. They will not." Heleana says, while dragging her further into the cavern.

She nods, breathing more heavily now. To say that she is terrified is an understatement. Who wouldn't be? Especially if they doesn’t have Targaryen blood.

"You must be quiet, though. No one knows we are here, my mother will kill me if she finds out I have brought you here. She is rather protective of you." Heleana turns to her and whispers.

"Alright. I won't make a sound." the girl says, nodding her head.

As she follows her sister-in-law, she notices how big the whole pit is and how terrifying it looks. The only light is coming from torches, one on each pillar. She freezes when she hears a growl.

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