Chapter 26

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TW: SA, violence, blood.


"Let me go." Reina hisses, trying to move from his grip.

"Why should I?" he asks, pushing the dagger deep into her skin, making sure he drew blood. "After everything you have done. You are a mad woman, Reina. A mentally unstable person."

She whimpers from the pain and tries to push him away.

"Stop moving." he grabs her hair in his hands, gripping it tightly.

"Larys-" she tries to say, but he puts his hand over her mouth to stop her from talking.

"You ruined everything. They are hunting me down for poisoning your mother. And I do not care, I am here to take what was mine and should have been mine! Nothing would have happened if you would have just married me! If you would have chose me!" he yells, gripping her hair tightly.

Aelon wakes up and begins crying in his cradle, making Reina look at him with fear in her eyes.

"That babe should have been mine! You were mine, not his!" he says again, pushing her over Aelon's bed.

She bites his hand, making him yell in pain and elbows him in his face. Blood running down his nose.

"Come here, you filthy whore!" he grabs her forearms and pushes her on the bed, pulling at her dress.

She tries to fight back, to escape his clutches, but somehow the crippled man is more strong than she is. She prays to the gods, she prays that someone will come. Maybe Aegon will care enough to check up on her.

Reina slaps him and stands up, but Larys gets angrier than ever. He laughs wickedly at her and grabs her hair once more, forcing her on the bed.

"Stop, please-" she pleads him, tears filling her green eyes.

The woman tries to scratch him on his face, on his neck, everywhere. Trying desperately to find a way to run from that sick man.

He lifts up her dress and gets between her legs, she pushes him away and rolls down, falling down on the cold floor with a whimper.

He smirks and his eyes are filled with rage and anger. He came to take her and he will. He will finally get what he always wanted.

He kicks her as she tries to reach for the dagger that rests on the bed, Larys's dagger.

"You will do as I say! Whether you like it or not!" his fist collides with her face, her nose breaking in the process.

She covers her bleeding nose with her hand, shivering sightly as she sees the blood. She looks up and sees Larys smiling, untying his breeches. Reina freezes and the world stops around her for a moment, before she comes back to her senses.

She sits up and grabs a mirror, shattering it. Pieces of glass falling all over the floor, her knuckles bleeding, but she does not seem to care.

"Not again!" the Strong man shouts, grabbing her arm and throwing her on the floor before crawling in between her legs.

"What do we have here, sweet Reina?" he lifts up her dress, this time succeeding. She looks with widen eyes at him, scared for what might happen.

She puts a hand on his chest, trying to push him away, but the hold he has on her is too fucking strong.

And then she decided that the only thing she could do is to scream. And wait for someone to hear her pleads and shouts. Praying someone will save her from her worst nightmare.

"Get off of me! Please..." she sobs as he kisses her neck, making her tense up.

"Aegon..." she whispers, choking on her own tears as she tries to crawl away from that monster.

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