Chapter 29

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two months later.

Reina is walking through the halls of the Keep, when suddenly the world begin to spin around her.

She stops and puts a hand over her forehead, leaning against the wall. Her breathing is heavy as she tries to calm her nerves.

She continues walking, her sight becoming blurry with each step she takes.

"My Princess, are you alright?" the voice makes her flinch and her panic grows. He was supposed to be in that damn cell...not wandering around on the Keep's halls.

She looks up and meets the sick brown eyes. His smirk makes her feel uneasy and she continues walking, not paying attention to the man.

"I wish to talk, Reina." he exclaims, grabbing her hand.

"We have nothing to talk." she replies, trying to control her anger.

"Will you be at my trial?" he asks, letting go of her.

"Trail?" Reina asks, his question making her confused.

"Tommorow. Like the one you had." Larys replies, making sure to touch a sensitive topic with his answer.

"I would be delighted to see you get punished for what you did! You sick bastard-" she lunges at him, despite her painful headache. Someone grabs her arm, stopping her from what she intended to do.

"Let the King decide his punishment, sister." Aemond whispers in her ear, pulling her behind him. "My Lord. You should enjoy your last moments alive and not disturb by dear sister-in-law. What will happen if my brother will hear of this, hm?" he turns to the crippled man.

"My apologies." Larys bows in front of the prince, making Reina roll her eyes. She turns around and continues her walk towards her own chambers, ignoring the fact that her head is spinning and her hands tremble from fear.

"I should have ripped his tongue out!" she exclaims, glaring at her brother-in-law.

Aemond laughs and pats her shoulder, "Too bad you did not get to do it."

She grabs his arm, for support. "I do not feel well..."

"What is wrong?" he asks, alarmed at the way her face pales with every second that passes.

She tries to answer, but her mouth is dry, black spots filling her vision. She can barely hear him anymore. The faint murmur of his voice pleading her to breath.

And then everything becomes dark. She faints, Aemond trying to catch her before she hits the floor. "Ser Criston! Ser Arryk! Somebody help her!"


Aegon paces slowly back and forth across his brother's room and mutters, "How did this happen?" He grips his hands tightly together and stares ahead.

"Do you think she has an illness?" he asks, turning his head towards Aemond.

"I am sure she is healthy."

"Then why did she faint?" he asks, growing more anxious as the time passes.

"Maybe Larys made her feel unwell." Aemond says, resting on one of the cushions.

"Larys? What does he have to do with this? He is rotting in the dungeons." Aegon exclaims, confused by his brother's words.

"I would not be so sure about it." the younger man says, sipping from his wine cup.

Aegon looks over Aemond and pauses his pacing to reply "Why would you think he had anything to do with this?"

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